Chapter 6: Lie

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Alice POV***

It has been three days since being back in Paris. I look round my room to see expensive jewellery and a selection of quality dresses. I wasn't used to it. When in England, I never wore outfits this extravagant. I was sent to England 6 years ago, Louis was newly into his reign and we were constantly under attack. Someone decided it was the safest option for me. I had a small little cottage, with minimal staff and I loved the freedom. Due to having a lot of free time I was taught a lot of skills. Languages, needle work and medicine. But my favourite was the fighting. I have learnt how to shoot a gun, fight with a sword and shoot an arrow. It all came so naturally to me, like I was meant to be doing it. Then the day came that I received the letter from the King, stating I shall return to Paris. The purpose of my movement, not stated. Why after all these years does my dearest brother want me back?

My bedroom door is slammed open and in walks Katherine.

"You need to get up, otherwise we will be late" she says while pulling open my curtains

"Why? What's on the agenda for today?" I ask while pulling myself out bed.

"The Duke of Savoy and your sister is visiting" she informs me. I had totally forgot.

"Ohh wonderful I reply" as I walk towards the balcony. I look down to see the red guards setting up a tent for shade. Just then the musketeers arrive. My eyes immediately scan the group to find one in particular. Porthos. There is just something special about him. We haven't seen each other since arriving in Paris, which is when I lied to them all. I hope they understand the decision I made. It was the safest option.

"Stop staring and Start dressing" Katherine says as she pulls me away from the balcony.

Porthos POV**

"Heat, fly's, boredom. I do so love parades" I complain.

"I'm thinking about fainting just for something to do" Athos smirks at my statement.

"Well I think your day is about to get a bit more exciting" Aramis says pointing to the palace.

I turn to see two women walking towards us. At first I didn't recognise her. But then she looked up and smiled at me. Alice. She was breath taking. The last time I had seen her she was covered in dirty. But now, she looks elegant. I couldn't seem to remove my eyes from her. then I'm elbowed in the stomach. Bending over in unexpected pain. 

"Alright, stop dribbling at her" Aramis laughs.

Alice POV***

I can feel pairs of eyes staring at me. I look up and my eyes immediately find Porthos. Who almost looks shocked to see me. I give him a little smile and walk up to the tent. Sitting down in a chair which is located next to Anne.

"You look divine sister" Louis says. Then carry's on with his conversation he is sharing with the cardinal, who are currently discussing the annoyance of lateness and Paris. Just then I look up to see a carriage come into the courtyard and stops directly in front on us. Louis, Anne and myself stand and approach the carriage. The doors open's and out comes my sister and the Duke.

"Victor, I trust your journey was comfortable" the King states

"Dreadful, your French roads of full of potholes" the Duke harshly replies.

"But it was worth every bump and bruise to see you dear brother" Christine says and she kiss's Louis's hand.

"and I have missed you sister, more than I can say" he replies with a smile

"Alice, wow haven't you changed" she then addresses me

"That tends to happen over years, it's nice to see you sister" I say with a smile.

Then the men start to introduce the first mister's. A discussion I have no part in, so my attention wavers. However, it soon snaps back when I hear a gunshot. My eyes frantically scan the people in front of me. Trying to find the unlucky victim. My eyes set on the serving boy in front of me. Now with a hole in his abdomen, blood pouring out. I am shielded away and pushed to safety by a familiar set of arms. I look up to see Porthos eyes scanning my body, as to see if any injury is present.

"I'm fine, go" I tell him pointing to the other musketeers running off towards the gardens. He does a small nod and follows them. We are all soon escorted back to the palace, when inside the Duke has some heated words to say about his safety and Spain. Eventually, they come to an agreement to delay signing the treaty till the assassin is found. I am walking back to my room when Porthos approaches me in the corridor.

"Katherine, your assistance will not be required" I tell her as she gives me a questioning look. But eventually carries on walking leaving Porthos and I alone.

"Are you ok?" he simply asks.

"I'm fine, did you catch the assassin?" I question.

"No, we are still searching" he states

"Well then I better not delay you any further" I declare and begin to walk away

"I have a question I would like to ask your majesty" he says stopping me in tracks.

"Please don't call me that, just Alice. Like when we met" I say

"Was it you that killed those men at the compound?" I lowered my head to the floor. I knew this was a question that was coming.

"We all do things we are not proud of. but every decision I made was for survival. They were treating us badly in there. I had to get us out" I confess while staring at him in the eyes.

"why lie to us? We are king's musketeers" he provides a confused look

"Two women alone on the road, no uniform is to be trusted. I didn't like lying to you. But I didn't have a choice. I hope one day you can understand" I say as I walk away from him. Releasing a breath I wasn't aware that I was holding. That man has such an effect on me. an effect that could turn out to be dangerous. 

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