Chapter One: Meet Eloise Reed

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Eloise Reed is an 18 year old girl. She is very engertic and is outgoing, she's never been in a serious relationship and she's not really hoping to look for one now. Eloise has long brown hair along with chocolate eyes that's she's always hated.

Eloise is an only child so she has no-one(apart from her two friends)to talk to. Her mom is rarely at home since her job require them to be there, but she's gotten used to being alone. Her father died when she was 11, it was a tough time for her but she had the support from her friends and family.

Morgan, Chloe are Eloise's best friends, they have known each other for fifteen years and they've always been there for each other.


Sorry this is short, I just wanted you to know and understand Eloise a bit better.

I wasn't going to describe Morgan&Chloe since I've already describe them in the chapter before

Anyway love you

~T x

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