Chapter Two: Really!?

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Eloise's POV:

Ugh my eyes are killing me, did I leave the blinds open again? I couldn't deal with the light that was shining through so I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I got my phone and went on all of my social media sites, this is literally my obsession, until I got bored. I lazily swung my legs over the bed so that they were dangling and headed towards the bathroom, I hopped into my shower and washed myself. Once I felt that I was clean enough I got out and grabbed a towel to wrap around me, I walked to the bedroom and and turned on my music since I hate quietness, after turning on my music I went to my vanity and started applying some natural makeup: e.g foundation, mascara, water liner and lip balm. The weather today seemed really nice so I wore a light blue floral dress with some white bowed flats, I didn't bother wearing my jacket since it was quite hot.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom sitting watching TV, that's really weird since she's usually at work.

"Hey aren't you going to work ?"I asked "Yes, but im trying to get a few days off  so I  can spend time with you and Micheal" She sighed. Although she is going to work  I was really happy that she trying few days off. Before I could speak I was interrupted by the Tv.

'Lead singer of the band, The Vamps, was seen walking out of club with another girl on his arm. This is the 3rd time this week that Brad Simpson has been spotted with another girl. When will his party animal ways stop?We will continue this story later, but first GAGA IN JAIL?!?'

I decided to ingore what was said on the TV, and give my attention to my mom.

"Really!?Thats great" I exclaimed she didn't say anything she only nodded her head in response. I quickly ran upstairs and got my phone going to text Chloe and Morgan.

*Start of conversation*


ChloBoken: YASS! I'm so happy for you

Morhole: Aw I'm glad! Anyone free in like 15mins?

Me: Thank you guys!! Whale I'm not doing anything, so yeah

ChloBoken: Sure, Starbucks?

Me: You know it

Morhole: Oklie

ChloBoken: Adios bitches!!

*End of conversation*

After texting Chloe and Morgan I grabbed some money and walked downstairs, I told my mom that I was leaving and that I would be back before eight. I walked to the local  starbucks and saw that none of my friends had arrived, so I figured that I should get a table. The bell rang incidacting someone has entred the shop so I looked up and it turned out to be Joe, he was one of my dads friends, I guess he saw me looking and started walking towards me.

"Hey El, how have you been?"Joe asked, it felt weird talking to him I mean the last time I did was a few weeks after my dads funeral. "Hi Joe, I've been okay how about you?" I got up to hug him and we both sat down.

"Well if I'm going to be honest with you, I've been pretty stressed, I'm not sure if you knew this but I've been managing a band called The Vamps?" He replied, who hasn't heard of The Vamps, I mean that Brad person is everywhere. "Yes, but I only know them because Brads everywhere!" I said.

"Thats excatly why I'm stressed, I mean he's out of control!El it's driving everyone crazy he needs to stop."I honestly didnt know how to respond so I just nodded. "If only he had something or someone, to get him to stop ruining the bands image." He sighed, I swear to god a light bulb had appeared on his head as he looked at me. I already know where this is going oh god! "Eloise you have to do this favour for me! Would you be Brad Simpsons girlfriend, fake of course?"

"I'm not sure, I mean I haven't met him before so.."I replied not really liking the idea that I would be dating a manwhore. (A/N Don't hate me for that!I love brad)

"Please you'll get paid one hundred thousand a month just this one favour!"He shouted, he seemed really despert I guess I should since he's done so much for our family.

"Fine, I mean whats the worst that could happen?"I questioned

"Great! I'll text your mother later and sort everything out!"He exclaimed, wow he's really excited. Joe got up and and left after saying 'goodbye'.


 Chloe and Morgan had showed up and order their drink, after they came and sat at the table I was sitting on. "Hey, bitches" Shouted Morgan, we got some looks because of that.

"Hey Eli" said Chloe, I'm glad she was quiet. "Hey girls, you'd never guess who I ran into!" I exclaimed

"Zayn Malik?" "Beau Brooks?" They shouted, earning more strange looks from customers.

"No, I wish. My "Uncle" Joe, you know the one who maneges The Vamps?"I answered

"Oh how long has it been?5years I'm not sure" Morgan asked, I nodded a yes "Yeah, he just wanted to catch up, it was nice." I said not wanting them to know that I would be his girlfriend, I mean there both blabbermouths and I'm pretty sure Chloe would attack me.

"WAS THE VAMPS HERE?OH MY GOD DID YOU GET THEIR NUMBERS?DID YOU LICK CONNERS ARM?FUCKING HELL YOUR SO LUCKY" Chloe fangirled. " Fucking hell, chill chloe! I didnt get their numbers because they weren't here and why would I lick conners arm?"I asked

"The real question is why wouldnt you lick conners arm!" Typical fangirl, dont get me wrong I like their music but I'm more into 5 seconds of summer and One Direction I guess.

It had been  an hour since I left starbucks and now I'm at home, I still haven't got a text from Joe and neither has my mom so I guess he's forgot. Oh well I guess I'm not getting paid.


A:N sorry this isnt a great chapter. Brad will be in the next one so yeah... Sorry for errors x

Updates are going to take awhile since school is starting and I've got alot of shit to do. Don't hate me..

Bai ma Chiplips? Love you -T X

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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