62 - Privileges and Obligations - Part 2

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I am infuriated by Helena's behavior. I was even kind enough to warn her indirectly that she was comparing our rank, and she had the audacity to say that we were equals.

"I see. Then, Helena, who would you rather sacrifice, your younger brother or a stranger?"

If she wanted to be like this, then...

Helena was taken aback by the seemingly unrelated question.


"Answer, commoner!" I demanded her prompt answer.

She looked panicked around her, but there was no help to find. Every commoner girl appeared to be hiding, and Helena had just made enemies with nobility.

"Can't I-" she tried to wriggle out of it.

"No! One or the other, choose!"

I have let my voice raise, this is not a matter of diplomacy, but punishment.

"Stranger, no one could sacrifice their younger brother like that," she answered with seeming confidence.

"Then, say enemy forces attack the school, what do you do?"

"Flee of course."

I just stare at her plainly.

"And what makes you think you can flee?"

"Because the knights will hold them back." Well, she is not wrong, of course... but...

"Ara, What a hypocrite we have here. You say all are equal but yet you demand the knights protect you?" I let my tone turn mocking, only infuriating her more.

"They trained for that after all! The strong should protect the weak!"

I merely glare at her.

"That is nobility, Helena. They will toss away their lives to protect you, and they become nobility as a reward. They will be forced to sacrifice their children, their close friends, squires and themselves to protect you, and you show them no respect. You who won't sacrifice a brother though you are not the only child," I spit out that last part at her.

"That's a bunch of shit! We are the ones sacrificed for you! A maid would be sacrificed for her mistress!"

"The maid herself swore that honorable loyalty! Don't you dare sully her courage!"

Helena was actually fighting back against me, but she appeared confused.

"A noble should serve the people!" A line cane from her as if she'd read it somewhere, but such a line would only be in a book to be burned.

"A noble serves only their Lord! They should never serve the crawling filth that begs for their lives and turns against their Lord just to live. They should never serve filth that has neither courage nor honor, no curtesy nor sense of duty! Yet we protect even that disloyal and greedy filth without any questions for the good of our lord! You all, good or bad, prosper for the good of our Lord and should know your place as you receive that grace!"

Helena seems dumbstruck at my comment.

"T- No one actually follows something like that! Most nobles don't even follow that! They're greedy! And what is with that arrogant comment! We make the food for you to live!"

She now seems frustrated.

"And what do you suppose the newly educated farmers and merchants do?! They exploit those who have yet to learn those things! As for nobility that cannot follow proper ideals and fall to greed, they're improper and unworthy of their title. And you make food for the people that protect you! Only those who follows proper ideals will have my respect, and you certainly aren't one of them."

I am aware I make enemies with those words, but such is the truth.

"Even you attend all of those extravagant tea parties and evening parties!"

Pointless. She isn't listening at all. It's like she doesn't understand that this is not an argument she can win. Even if her words weren't cut down, then she'd still lose.

"You thought tariffs, fashion and luxury goods are decided randomly? Nobility creates the demand of a product to the point you rich merchants earn from it and invest in it, thus making it a common good with time. You thought information was shared in letters or back room meetings? You're as ignorant as you are rude."

She perks up as if she forgot something, but I am tired of this.

"That is enough out of you, Helena Fox. I'll give you one last chance for redeeming yourself. Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness."

I don't use killing intent. There would be no point yet as she doesn't understand her place.

Helena stares at me like I said something outrageous.


I return a calm stare.

"I see." I don't admire her stubbornness, for it is all words not backed up by a false sense of security. She hasn't realized how much trouble she is in.

I stand up calmly. I want to cut her down, but I cannot. Had she been one of my citizens then it would've been no problem... but... let's see, Helena Fox's owner... lets send them a sweet little letter...

I am leaving the classroom as it appears Helena remembers an argument she wanted to make.

"When your people stops making food for you then what do you do?!" She spits out, thinking she found a good argument. I merely give her a cold glance in return though.

"Tell the army to get the food they need however they want. Taking it from the peasants wanting them to starve should be fine, shouldn't it?" I respond coldly, and watch color drain from her face as she realizes what I mean.

"You wouldn't..."

I merely lift an eyebrow.

"To protect the country border? I'd rid the area of needlessly rebellious peasants any day. I do enjoy watching the peasants blossom, but if they get stupid ideas about their place and prevent my duty... then they will be replaced."

Helena steps back. It's terror. I'm not even using killing intent.

"You're a monster," she says out just loud enough for me to hear.

"The one driving the peasants to such foolish behavior as starving the hand that protects them is you. The monster tempting their loyalty is you."

She looks at me in disgust.

"They deserve better!"

I stare at her calmly.

"They have peace, and a lord that want them to prosper. That is better than your unrealistic dreams."

She was clearly about to say that they aren't unrealistic... but she can't because I already cut it down. I made sure she was done talking this time and stepped out. I was at my boiling point.

Asher who had been waiting outside the door for our argument to finish was looking troubled.

"What?" He was technically a subject, I'd rather deal with any trouble now.

"She simply hasn't seen war, my Lady. She doesn't understand how gracious you are, nor the things that needs to be done to keep people safe... or the burden you have to carry."

Unexpectedly sweet words came from him instead.

"I see..."

I calmed down a bit... but I wasn't feeling up for dancing... at least Claire was supposed to be dancing with Alstair... so perhaps things would be fine...

At least I wouldn't have to look at Helena for a while. Filth. I'll keep an eye on her activities near Claire. She would be a bad influence on the naive Claire after all.

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