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Early in the morning we already started packing up a few stuffs for Korea adventure with the group

It is said that we will be there for a lot of das actually but we didnt know what is the reason

So yeah, we continue packing up things and ZIPPPPP we goooooo

we got outside already and we used van to go to the airport

-- at the airport

when we got there, we immediately put on our caps and masks and grabbed our small bags leaving our luggage at the van

(well, the van may fit in the airplane righhht??)

we got inside and manager help us check in our tickets and after, we got at the lobby

there is a lot of people taking us pictures while we get here and its kinda annoying with the camera flashes it feels like it makes me blind LOL

we sat here at the lobby waiting for our plane, we need 2 hours to wait 

"so boystory, we will have our short vacay at korea " manager nim said and we all smiled

"and we will be staying for more days for our music video making, since we released our third song" manager nim added and the 6 of us left shook 

some of us cupped our mouths and some were jaw dropped

yes, boystory's first music video with their new member: KIM Y/N

I totally cant wait!!

"OMO IT IS OUR FIRST MV WITH Y/N JIE!!!" Zeyu said and the other nodded excitedly

"are you excited Y/n jie??"shuyang asked 

"yes!!!I cant wait!!!"I replied 

 Zihao raised his hands for a highfive and yep the six of us did an highfive

and Xinlong opened his arms for a group hug

awww I really love this group, the are so great!!!

[Passengers of **** ****** airlines Gate # bound to Korea is ready to open... I repeat gate #, **** ****** airlines bound to Korea is ready to open']

and our airplane is here!!! we put on back our caps and mask since we were only in one plane with a lot of people

So we got out of the lobby and headed to the plane

-- at Korea

We had just arrived safely at JYP ENTERTAINMENT Building here at Korea

Its been good to be back here...

I remembered my audition here it is sooo funny and I also remembered the time when I bumped into Zeyu

"So let's get inside kids" we 7 nodded and followed manager nim

we followed him and we stopped at the lobby

"kids sit down there" manager nim pointed at a sofa here at the lobby "wait for us okay??"we all nodded and he headed to JY Park nim's office

 we sat in the sofa at the lobby waiting for manager and JY Park nim to get out of the office 

we all yawned and stick our heads on our phones to keep us alive

it took minutes til they got our from that office

"so boystory, JY Park nim said that we were gonna stay at the biggest hotel near here" he said and carried his bag again and we all left the building and walked to the hotel I had stayed in my audition days 

when we reached the hotel we got 3 rooms:

1st room for Hanyu,Xinlong and Shuyang

2nd room for Zihao,Zeyu and Mingrui

3rd room : ME (im alone rn)

it was sooo amazing to have myself a room but it is a bit boring without the members

so I got to the first room first...so since their cards were just at the top of their door,it is easy to get, good thing I am a tall person; VERY HELPFUL uhuh

and I swiped it and returned the card back to the place where it was placed before

when I entered it I saw the lights were shut off and I saw them sleeping already so I stepped back and closed their hotel room door slowly,trying not to disturb their beauty sleep and ahhh closed

and I started to do the same to the second room and yes I was just at the entrance of their room, the lights were already off and they fell asleep too

sooo...yah since they were asleep I gotta go to the bed too

I think that we have a very important meeting tomorrow or something like a bonding maybe??

since i'm not yet that sleepy actually, I decided to view the city up the rooftop of the building

and I used the elevator to go up since it is the only thing that can lead me up there

*ting!* the elevator opened and I entered as fast as I could and the elevator shut again and typed on the number thingy  beside the elevator door 

and up I gooooooooooooooooo~

*ting!* and finally I got there and the door opened and I got out then the elevator door shut again

the breeze is just right and I saw the city with the bright lights that made it sooo amazing

I took out my phone from my pocket and raised it up high infront of me to make sure that the city is also viewed in my camera and I also raised my other hand to make a peace sign and-

*click!* there you go, a picture of me and Seoul South Korea at midnight <3 

*yawns* ohhhh yeah it is midnight well, im so tired and I feel that my eyelids are gonna close righ now due to it's heaviness 

I got to the elevator and the elevator door shut and bought me down to the floor where our rooms were located

and *ting!* I am here

I just arrived infront of my hotel room and I opened it with the card and *woosh* the door opened

I walked inside and closed the door

after that I jumped right onto my bed  and my eyes were shut--


hey guys it is your author nim CHAMMI BANANA sorry for the long wait <3 hope ya'll understand <3 love ya all!!


Boystory 7th member (Boystory imagine)Where stories live. Discover now