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we headed to the dorm safely and got in a while ago and when we entered inside,  we put our bags on our  small  rooms 

the dorm have 3 rooms which is good for us ; 1 room for 3 members and 2nd room for ther other 3 members the 3rd room will be mine AND IM GOING SOLOO~

I threw myself on the single bed in my room and let out a big sigh and heard my phone ringing from my pocket so I picked up the phone

"hello??who's this??" Y/N

"eonnieeee!!!!"Y/N SIS

"ooooooh uri yeodongsaeng bogoshipda!!" (oooh I miss you my lil sis) Y/N

"Nado bogoshipda eonnie (I miss you too sis) How are you there? I heard that you were in JYP'S dorm for Idols right now" Y/N SIS

"Oh yes sis Im here, I got this one whole bedroom for myself these days while the boys are in the other room" Y/N

"Oh that's great to hear sis! BTW, gotta go now I have school today byeee!" Y/N SIS

"Okay take care sis I love you" Y/N

"Bye love you too eonnie" Y/N SIS

---tooot tooot

*knock knock*

"Come in" I said and sat up on my bed and tucked my phone in the pocket of my denim skirt

The door opened revealing Zeyu and he came in with a big smile

"Oh Zeyu!!heeey!!"I cheerfully said  and he sat beside me 

"Y/n, look at this!!" Zeyu handed me his phone showing an article from a web about our group 

"wow, and then??"I said jokingly and he showed his annoyed look on his face

"Okay Y/n... Well this article talks about the new member, you!! Well, boystory is now BGstory and plus new member is added I cant believe we've changed it"  Zeyu turned off his phone and looked at me holding my hands

"Y/n, you know, you're the hidden card of our group, keep it up" he added while he patted my hands and let go

I smiled and hugged him

"Yes Zeyu, I promise to keep it up for our group" I said as I let go

"Btw, I gotta arrange some stuffs here" I added and stood up from the edge of the bed where I sat

"And Imma cook for todays dinner" he winked and left the room

I sighed and started to arrange my things in the room

Well, I am excited for the upcoming comeback, I cant wait for the new choreo to be led by our new choreographer and also the new song that we will be singing these days


*In the living room

3rd person's POV

BGstory members were at the living room just after dinner

Everyone is busy with their own bussiness and they heard someone knocking in the main door

Zihao stood up to open it and to see who it is

"Hi kids!!" JY Park-nim greeted and  looking good with his new coat

The kids bowed at him and so do JY Park-nim

"Please be seated" Mingrui led him to the vacant seat of the sofa and all of them sat on the other sofa looking pretty dead serious

"ya'll kinda serious huh?" Park JY-nim chuckled and they all laughed

"So by the way, kids are you all feeling good and comfy here??" He asked and the kids nodded 

Park JY-nim cleared his throat and started to speak: 

"well,since you got a new group name, new member, this group will be going for a new start. are you all  excited for this new start coming up??" He said excitingly and the members were looking at each other then shouted "YAAAAASSS!!!!" and they all laughed

"So, we have our first thing tomorrow, recording the song, ya'll needed to be early so we can catch up the song for 1-2 days, your jies and geges will accompany you all tommmorow" Park JY-nim said and stood up

"so that's for today kids, hope you all will be prepared for tomorrow,goodbye!!"the members stood up and bowed at him before he left 


"okay guys , head to your respective rooms ya'll need to sleep early  so will  wake up early tomorrow too" Hanyu said and clapped his hands twice in order to make the members go to their rooms faster

"yaah Hanyu ge!! wait, I forgot to drink my milk!!"GouGou shouted from their room and ran towards the kitchen

"Xinlong ge, you got a charger??"Shuyang asked Xinlong then Xinlong got his charger from their room and handed it to Shuyang

"xie xie nin Long ge" Shuyang winked at LongLong then got to their rooms

 Zeyu came out from nowhere wearing his face mask then approached QiQi 

"Qi ge, have you seen the cucumbers???" XiaoYu asked QiQi and when QiQi turned around to face XiaoYu, he jumped off,scared and surprised

"Yah XiaoYu, you scared me huh, well, I haven't seen your cucumbers" QiQi said calmly and went to their room

"Everyone go to bed!!!!!"Hanyu said and everyone rushed to their rooms immediately 

Y/n's POV

wow, that was kinda cool, everyone was scared, whew good thing I got in my room before he shouted I slowly closed the door and giggled 

I ran towards my bed and threw myself then sighed 

It was a day, finally were going to start off tomorrow recording the song

to be honest, it's kinda tiring and hard but I think it's kinda fun

I took off my phone and started going on through social media

I scrolled on many tweets, posts on facebook and twitter and I saw many BOSSes keep on tweeting and posting about the updates on our group and they gave a lot of good feedback to our new name and also for the new member

well, I have this official account and a fan account I have on my fangirl years , so I started to talk with my old internet friends with my fangirl account cause I missed them so bad 

after few chats with them, I  yawned and turned my phone then headed to sleep

I am really excited for tomorrow hoping it will be a good recording 

Boystory 7th member (Boystory imagine)Where stories live. Discover now