A Pitiful Goodbye

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The school bell rang loudly, alerting everybody of the end of classes and, for many, the time to finally leave the building. Casey Cooke was not one of them however, and her fingers tapped the desk boringly as she leaned over to rest, preparing herself to endure two more hours in the detention class.

Each time it was becoming easier for the brunette to stay extra hours in college since the teachers ended up disliking Casey for her bad behavior and punishing her for ever more minor faults—and with the new school year starting, she almost didn't need to breathe to be sent to detention.

She was fine with it, though. In fact, she was looking for it to happen.

The teen yawned and closed her eyes, ready to wander far, far away from her body and let her mind take her to a more pleasant reality. However, her plans were ruined as the door opened, making her frown as everyone who was penalized were already there. Lazily, she lifted her head and looked towards the front, opening her eyes in surprise the second after.

Another girl had entered the room, a girl Casey had never seen before. She was dressed heavily which, mixing with her already short height, made her look extremely small. The teenager was wearing big sunglasses, a grey scarf and a red hoodie underneath a black long coat, covering her face. Black jeans and boots completed the otherwise, if not for the hood, monochrome outfit. The girl kept her head down, following the teacher in charge of the students for the day.

"It is a pity to introduce you in such circumstances, but it is what it is." Casey heard the lady say to the new student, making her to give an apologetic nod. "Class, listen up, please."

The woman cleared her throat and, with now everybody's attention, lifted a hand towards the teen.

"This is Mabel Save...Sadvo..."

"Sadoveanu." The sudden deep voice startled Casey, not expecting such tone from a girl, in appearance, so fragile. Her accent, one that Casey guessed came from Eastern Europe, "I'm Mabel Sadoveanu."

"Right." The professor cleared her throat "Mabel is a new in this school and in town. I believe one of you shares art class with her..." She paused, taking a list from the table and reading it in a second "Casey Cooke?"

The named girl sucked in a breath and, slowly, lifted her hand. She was sitting at the farthest corner of the class, so it too a second for the new student to spot her. Once she did thoug, her eyes locked with Casey's. Even though she was wearing sunglasses, the brunette felt how she stabbed her with her look.

"Mabel, please take a seat near Casey. She will make sure to show you around." The teacher's voice left no room for complaining, and the girl headed quietly towards her seat. As she sat down, she only took her coat off, earning an upset sound for the teacher. "Take your glasses and scarf off, please. This is a school, not a park."

Giggles and muted comments bloomed in the class and as a response, the girl pulled out from her bagpack a plasticized file. Casey eyed it out of the corner of her eye, and quickly identified it as a medical file. Without a word, she approached the educator and handed it to her. It only took a brief look for her to visibly become paler.

"Oh, I-I see...I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I will take it off, I just need to stay away from windows."

"I completely understand, dear."

The general murmur grew at this, and the teacher slapped the table twice to silence it. Mabel headed back to her seat and, without a word, took her accessories off.

The red hoodie still covered up her whole upper body and neck, but her face was visible for the first time. Casey's mouth dropped open as Mabel revealed herself to be, without a doubt, the fairest person the brunette has ever seen, being the light freckles she had scattered across her face the only stain of color in her skin. Long, curly, naturally white strands of hair emerged as she pulled the hoodie off her head, earning a few curious looks from the rest of the class. Mabel sat down and, without a word, took off her gigantic glasses, almost looking orthopedic. The girl offered her hand to Casey, looking at her out of the corner of her eye, turning her head slowly towards her.

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