Stab It With Your Fangs

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The chapter is finally here! Phew, this one is really long and it took me ages to finish since I wasn't entirely happy with it at first. I hope you enjoy it though, as there are pretty important things here as well! I will keep thanking you for your comments and favs at every chapter, as those are really what keeps me writing, so thank you all again!


"This can't be happening!" Dennis screamed at the top of his lungs, unable to keep his emotions bottled "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

He punched the nearby wall and rubbed his head furiously, still not being able to believe what happened. Mabel, the girl who since her arrival had been an enigma to him, had finally fooled him.

She had escaped.

The image of her legs sliding through the air outlet still popped painfully in his head, the shiver that ran through his spine when he realized all their plans were about to be destroyed by a miserable girl, all things he had under control quickly falling apart. It made him insane.

And so he ran. He ran as fast as he could, even when sweat started to cover and dirtying his skin. He yelled her to stop and looked for her around every corner, even inside a group of lockers he was sure she would hide. And yet, she was nowhere to be found. 

Dennis finally stopped searching for her when he found one of the exists opened, the sunlight bathing his body while slowly realizing what was about to happen. She would report them to the police, the other two girls would be rescued and he would be charged as a criminal. Even if Patricia, Hedwig and he wanted to proceed with the ritual right now, the Beast wasn't still ready to be brought into the light.

"We need to focus." Patricia said, maintaining a cool temper. "If she has escaped, we need to act fast. Take the two other sacrifices somewhere else. Remove proof and evidence of everything that happened here."

"She probably took her broom and flew away!" Hedwig intervened, strangely rather excited "That'z what withcez do, right?"

"Be silent now, Hedwig." The woman hushed him severely yet calm "The adults are talking. Besides, don't let her appearance and words fool you. She's nothing out of the ordinary."

"Whatever..." He pouted, feeling left out again.

"Now, Dennis, I want you to breathe in and collect yourself." She thoughtfully indicated him. "Then, go to the girls' room and tell them you had to put Mabel down due to bad behavior."


"We must kill their hope, even if it's not true. That way, there will be no more escape tries". After Dennis nodded, Patricia continued "Then, you will take the chloroform, spray them with it and put them in the van. Understood?"

"Yes, Patricia." He responded while breathing slowly "I'll get goin'."

"Good." She said, satisfied. 

The man turned back and headed to the teen's room, ready to follow Patricia's orders. However, as he walked by, words echoed in his head, words that still haunted him even with her gone.

You're always doing what Patricia wants you to do.

He shook his head, trying to vanish the thoughts from his mind.  This was no time for doubts or second guesses. Now, more than ever, he needed to be what everyone expected him to be. The cold and calculating evil man with a perfidious mind.

When Dennis entered the anteroom, he took a second to inhale and exhale thoughtfully, letting his nerves cool and his mind think of his next words. He approached the door but, just as he was about to open it, he heard murmur inside. A very jittery one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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