Trivial Governmental Issues

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John walked slowly up the stairs, the floorboards creaking slightly with every step. He could hear the low rumble of Sherlock's voice, and was reluctant to disturb him.

He approached the door and cocked his head slightly as he strained to hear Sherlock's words. He sounded strange, different somehow. John leaned forwards and pushed open the door. Sherlock was pacing the room angrily, shouting down the phone in rapid Spanish. John stood staring at him. Of course Sherlock could speak Spanish. He could probably speak bloody anything. John shut the door quietly behind him.

Seeing John, Sherlock motioned towards the chair. John couldn't help but notice the strong smell of cigarettes as he walked over and sat down.

" No tengo tiempo!....Sí, por favor. Sí, es hermano de Mycroft! No....lo sé. Lo siento...pasado mañana, sí....lo siento estoy ocupado....recomendar a Mycroft. Sí. Adios." Sherlock snapped. He hung up and sat down opposite John.

"Sorry, bit of a thing." Sherlock said, gesturing absently.

"Case?" Asked John.

"Not exactly. Remind me never to get involved with the Spanish government's secret service." Sherlock sighed.

"Oh. Why, exactly?" Said John.

"Because she's an idiot." Sherlock said angrily.

"Wait-who? What's- no, whatever. Anyway." John said, deciding against the long, painful explanation that Sherlock clearly wasn't in the mood for. John didn't need to know, nor have his intelligence insulted.

"So, John. How are you?" Sherlock enquired politely.

"Fine, yeah. You?" John replied.

"Busy, mostly-" Sherlock's phone rang as he spoke.  He glanced at the screen, and sighed. Sherlock let it ring out. John looked at the phone then at Sherlock, confused.

"It's Mycroft." Sherlock said, as it rang out. "And as much as I should, I really don't want to." He said.

John smiled. "So, what have you been up to since Boscombe?"

"Everything, and anything. Lestrade had-" Sherlock's phone rang again.

"Sorry. I really should." He said.

"It's fine, yeah, go ahead." Said John.

"Thanks." Said Sherlock. He picked up his mobile.

"WHAT NOW!....yes,'s always been like that....Shut up Mycroft...It's always a matter of national security, don't you have anything else to do?....Oh I don't know, kill a few terrorists, rig a few electio-.....Yes you do. No I don't....We've been in touch....I wasn't rude, thank you....Oh make a deduction brother mine. Yes, if you don't mind...Balance of probabili-.....NO. He doesn't know. No. I can't, you know I can't...We'll have to see...I'm sure...I know...For God's sake Mycroft John's sitting here...yes!...No, he has no idea. None whatsoever...easy. Right...No." Sherlock hung up furiously and turned his phone off.

"What was all that about?" John said incredulously.

"Mycroft being a child." Sherlock said angrily.

"You mentioned me, what the hell do I have to do with national security?" John sounded a bit pissed off.

"Nothing, don't worry. There is no security threats. Mycroft is a fretting idiot. It's fine." Sherlock rushed.

John raised his eyebrows.

"I loathe governmental issues yet my brother chooses to involve me even in the trivial matters." Sherlock grinned.

John's frown disappeared and he slowly began to laugh.

"Does he really rig elections?" John asked.

"Of course!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"I won't bother voting in future then." John smiled.

"Don't! Waste of time. Either way Mycroft and his lot will do what they like. The voting is to keep the public happy, stupid and clueless." Sherlock said happily.

"Really?" Said John.

"Yes. Um...I have a case in Chinatown. We could go get some food and then...?" Sherlock asked hopefully.

John looked down. "I can't, Sherlock, I'm sorry. Mary-"

"Never mind it was just a thought." Sherlock said quickly.

John was upset that Sherlock had waited to solve it with him, because that was what he had clearly done. Sherlock didn't just have unsolved cases hanging around. John wanted to go badly, but he knew that a case could take anything from minutes to weeks. He sighed.

"I'm sorry Sherlock, I really am. Look, I have to go. I was just popping in, remember? I'm sorry." John said sadly.

"It's fine, John." Said Sherlock coldly.

He placed his fingers beneath his chin as if in prayer, and leaned back. John took this as his cue to leave, and left silently.

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