POV of Robot Number 1

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Bonus chapter

POV of Robot Number 1:

I remember when that kid was barely able stand up to his father, and didn't know shit about the world. He was still protective, dominate. But also so passionate and possessive.

His mother and brother would never come in harms way as long as he was around. He knew his father said he would protect them. But he was also a conceded man, he cared more about his empire and reputation than he family. Axel knew that a young age and it fed his need to control his surroundings and the people around him.

Even the way he would look at us, men who were trained to take a built for him and his family, he still always kept us so far from what he was thinking. He had an air about him that demanded power and he seemed invincible, like he was scared of nothing and no one.

But now, with her...

He is now wildly possessive and desperately protective. Now he has a need to have her in sight, have his hand on her. He simply needs her. I could see it when we first walked in. Because for the first time he looked nervous, scared. Him... scared.

It shook me to my core that the child I saw grow up, become a man that could have something be cared about so much that is scared him, and unlike his father's love this was untamed.

When we first come to the home she was upstairs still asleep and he was gripping the kitchen counter till his knuckles turned white. Studying us all, as if we were the enemy, as if we didn't help raise him.

But then again to him we were the enemy, anything but her now seemed like the enemy because this world we live in could take the little bit of peace and true happiness he has found. It terrified him, I could see the look in his eyes.

"Don't scare her," was the first words out of his mouth when he say us pull our guns out of the holsters to secure the interior perimeter of the house.

"From what you tell me, little can scare her," John teased.

I never understood him, anything that man loved he kept at arms reach even his ex-wife had parts of him she couldn't reach. For a while I was worried his sons had inherited the bad habit, but from the way Jax swept that girl as far from his father's sight as possible I knew he had learned better.

And now watching Axel, the youngest who has always acted like the eldest, glare at his father. I know he also didn't inherit that bad habit. If anything it is the opposite for him. He might be too attached to the free spirited woman whose captured him.

"I swear to god," Axel hisses, "don't make me regret calling you."

"It was your choice, your mistake,"John shoots back and Axel's face becomes red with hot anger.

He did have his father's temper though.

"Padre, tu necesitas escuchar-"

Father, you need to listen

"Axel," a voice calls from the stair well and everyone freezes.
This voice wasn't soft, but it held warmth. It was deep but light and seemed to carry through the empty house. So we waited. Waited to see the woman we were all here for.

And she did not disappoint.

I had to say the kid knew how to pick em'. I could feel Frankie behind me shift as he was holding back a wolf-whistle.

We saw her long legs exposed in a pair of sleep shorts and a large T-shirt draped over her shoulders exposing pale white skin. But Axel's shirt did little to hide the curves underneath.
My eyes follow up to reach her angular, model like facial features, with lush red lips and big brown eyes. Her ink black hair waving slightly as her thin fingers ran through the top of her bed head. Yet despite her innocent features, her stare made a shiver run up my spine.

Something about her just screamed that she was not naive. Especially when that analyzing cold glare cut through me. It left like a blizzard had blown through, but she was the only one that didn't mind the cold.

Her lips curved into a mischievous grin, "oh we have company?" She asks causally before walking over to Axel who immediately welcomed her attention, sliding an arm around her waist. But his eyes were watching us. He was staking his claim, making it clear that he knew how beautiful she was, but she was still his.

"Well welcome boys, but we have a strict 'no loaded guns out of holsters' rule in this house," she says, and although she is joking there is the underlining feeling that she has seen one too many guns in her lifetime for it to be unlikely that she hasn't said those words once before. And meant it.

That was my first impression of Snow White.

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