What a Mean Mommy

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Chapter 30


I spit the blood out of my mouth and onto the dirty cement floor before turning back to the stranger before me, "I guess you didn't like my joke," I mumble fighting the pain in my mouth every time I talk.

"The will," my torture's deep voice sounds, "Where is the will?"

I swing my head around fighting the pain, "I don't know," I grit out through my teeth, but a small smile appears on my lips.

"But if you ask nicely next time I might remember," I say sarcastically.

The man's face distorts in anger and a wave of fear, the cold chill of terror washes over me as he brings his fist back again and this time it collides with my stomach.

Pain coats my vision and grips my body, for the first time I see the man punching me smile.

I cough violently in my chair I am stilled tie to, "I think your sense of humor might be a little darker than mine," I spit out more blood but if feels like it if flowing out of my mouth.

My eyes are still rolling but I watch as he pulls his arm back once again to deliver no doubt a damaging blow and I tighten my muscles ready for the blow.

"Enough," a voice calls stopping him from following through.

I would say I felt relieved but my head is spinning too much to notice who it is. I feel the ties on my wrist and the chair being cut and that is when I fight for my eyes to focus, feeling a new set of ropes tie my wrists together.

Shaking my head I zone in on the man in front of me immediately recognizing him as he drags me to my feet.

Oh, fuck no.

"Get your goddamn claws off me you backstabbing, shit head!" I shout and bite down on the hand that is pushing me towards an exit.

Eric curses under his breath in pain but doesn't say anything else, it seems he is not sure why I am being moved. But I have a guess.

They are going to transport me I can tell. Half the men I could hear through the door are gone, slowly voices started to disappear and the number of guards dwindled. Either we are all moving locations or they have left ran away.

I am hoping that they are cowards rather than preparing the Next torture chamber, but the weirdest thing is that I have yet to see my Aunt. She is a greedy bitch with an ego so I would have thought that she couldn't wait to brag.

She is definitely here because her right-hand man has the pleasure of visiting me during the past 22 hours of hell. He threw me around a bit, but it was almost restrained. Like he knew he couldn't do damage but after so many years of tracking my ass down, he needed to at least get a good hit in.

It might have been therapeutic for him, that fucked up idiot.

A blinding light catches my attention and I am dragged out into an open yard. My eyes bouncing from the armed men lining the yard to my Aunt who won't even spare me a glance. Lastly taking in the newest addition.

She is beautiful, with blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes, skin that seemed ageless and a figure that teens would kill for. But her expression was bored and almost annoyed. She tapped her manicured nails against her arm impatiently.

"I don't have all fucking day Flo," the women called to my Aunt as she watches Eric cut the ropes at my arms.

The second my arms are released I real my right arm back and give Eric my most powerful uppercut right through his jaw. While my other hand reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone unseen.

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