19: Eight Keys to Purgatory

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THE HOUSE WAS OLDER THAN any Kate had ever seen—complete with a barn, wraparound porch, and acres of land that hadn't been tended to in years. A dense forest separated the property from any other civilization for miles and the grass reached her knees, tickling her through her jeans. At the back of the property, behind a house large enough for a family of twelve, was a clearing with dirt and overgrown bushes. She wondered when the last time someone had been there to keep up with the house. It must have been years.

"This was once a boarding house," Dr. K said, tucking the compass he wore around his neck back into his shirt. "There will be plenty of room here for all of you."

The wooden porch was rotten in some spots and completely sunken to the ground in others. When Kate stepped onto it, she felt the wood give under her weight and she grabbed the railing for support. The door wasn't locked and when Dr. K shoved it open (with help from Mr. Donovan), a cloud of dust spat back at them.

Crossing through the threshold, Kate felt a strange surge of energy rush through her. The others must have felt it too because once they were inside, Logan Rogers asked,

"What was that?"

"The house is enchanted with a protective shield," answered Mr. Donovan and he shut the door behind them. Across the room, Dr. K started a fire in the stone hearth and it brightened the room instantly.

"Like the one they're putting over the Academy?" asked Wil and their Potions teacher nodded.

"Exactly like it. Crossing through the threshold connected you with it so as long as you stay on the property, no magic can track you here and you'll be safe."

Safe. The word sent chills down Kate's spine. She never realized how much she craved something like safety until it was stripped away from her. She had always taken it for granted. They all had.

"And this is it?" Liam asked from behind Kate. "We're just supposed to stay in this house for two weeks?"

Mr. Donovan nodded. "More or less. You can roam the property but no further. No one will find you as long as you're here. And when it's time to come back, you will."

"Just like that?" Cam asked and Kate swore that was the first she'd heard him speak in weeks. She'd been avoiding him since their fight in the courtyard. There had been more pressing issues at hand.

Dr. K nodded. "Just like that."

DR. K AND MR. DONOVAN STAYED FOR a few hours, helping the Eight get comfortable in their new surroundings. Dr. K spent most of his time with Drew Briggs in a private conversation—Kate wasn't sure what about—and Mr. Donovan (though he insisted now they call him Damon) stayed curiously close to Wil. By the end of the night, they were both on their way back to the Academy and the Eight were alone at the house.

Sometime after midnight, Kate found her way downstairs in the kitchen and put a tea kettle on the stove. The house was quiet—almost eerily so—until the kettle began to sing. She jumped.

After, she poured a cup of tea and was stirring a spoon of honey in when she heard footsteps. She turned and clutched her teacup close, hovering in the dark by the stove. The overhead lights flicked on and in walked Liam. He was wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants and not much else and when he stretched, he rubbed the backs of his shoulders.

"Hey pretty girl," he said with a yawn. "What are you doing up? It's the middle of the night."

She leaned her back against the counter. "I couldn't sleep," she explained, stirring her tea again. "This house is too big and creepy."

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