26: Don't Leave Her Lonely Tonight

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STEAM FILLED THE BATHROOM WHEN Phoebe opened the door and she heard the deafening fall of water from a running shower. She shut the door carefully and clicked the lock which echoed over the sound of the shower.


Drew was in the shower, washing off the soot, dirt and blood from the battle. He'd been in the shower for exactly seven minutes before Phoebe interrupted him and though there were half-dozen other showers more available, she chose that one.

King Walter was downstairs cleaning up the aftermath and making arrangements for Dr. K. His body had been taken to the barn while they waited to return to the Academy. The rest of the Eight used the time to get cleaned up and grieve alone.

But that was the problem. Phoebe didn't want to be alone. In fact, she didn't want to be alone ever again.

She stripped out of her sweatshirt and peeled her leggings off until she stood outside the shower wearing just her sports bra and thong. Then, after a heavy exhale, she took those off as well.

Drew, curious, pulled the curtain back and peered out at a now-naked Phoebe standing there.

"Darling," he practically laughed when he said the word. Soap dripped from his hair down the sides of his face and he was biting his lip. "What are you doing?"

But she didn't answer. Not with words, anyway. She shrugged slowly and then eyed his hand on the curtain like she was urging him to move it. He did and she held onto his strong arms as she stepped into the shower with him.

He seemed shocked but not enough to stop her and they stood there. Their naked bodies were nearly touching and he used his eyes to trace every inch of hers. She cupped his face in her hands and pushed up on her toes but she stopped before their lips met. He gripped her hips, staring deep into her eyes as he waited for her to make the next move.

So she did. She pressed her lips to his and the kiss sent tingles through her entire body. He was hesitant to kiss her back—probably wary of her intentions—but he threw caution to the wind and picked her up, his naked body colliding with hers as their kiss deepened. He pressed her against the cool tile of the shower wall and bottles of soap crashed to the floor by his feet.

Warm water sprinkled over them both and she latched onto him with any ounce of strength she had left. His hands roamed every inch of her soft, slippery skin, and then he gave her butt a squeeze before sucking on that sensitive spot between her ear and jaw.

She exhaled a steamy breath as he explored her body with his mouth and then he flipped her so her back was against the shower wall and his chest pressed into hers.

Maybe it was wrong to distract herself with Drew. Maybe, when they were done, he would think she was using him and she probably was. But in that moment, she didn't care. She didn't know how to feel after their battle with the Darks but it certainly didn't feel like they'd won.

In fact, it felt more like they'd lost everything.

THE SERVICE FOR DR. K WAS set for Saturday and rather than send the Eight back to the Academy, King and Queen Diamond agreed it was best if they took time to recover at home. Spring Break was right around the corner and they could use the extra time away from school. Their time in Purgatory took something from them. Phoebe was afraid they might never get it back.

She returned to her loft, alone. She shoved her way through a sea of unpacked boxes before stopping in the kitchen and collapsing on the floor. Kicking her moccasins off with defeat, she leaned her head against the cabinet. Her stomach let out a hungry gurgle and it was in that moment that she remembered the only food left in the apartment was probably expired or some variation of three-minute noodles. So she dialed for a pizza and then spent the next twenty-eight minutes on the floor, waiting.

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