Power Test

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Jaune: 'so, the power of the universe is in my hand. I can do anything now, and no one will stop me. Well, except for Adam, but he'll only intervene if my actions negatively affect the multiverse as a whole.'

Nora: "Oooohhhh!! The rocks are glowing so bright!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune, you kind of glowed for a second when you put that on. Are you okay?"

Jaune: "More than okay, I feel stronger than ever before."

Jaune grinned widely, wandering about all the shit he could do with the gauntlet. Thoughts of tormenting a certain bully came to mind. But, Jaune's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar growling coming from the bushes.

Pyrrha: "Grimm! Ready your weapons guys!"

A horde of beowolf sprang from the tree line, bounding towards the group at a fast pace.

Jaune grinned, it was time to test out his powers.

Clenching his fist, the power stone glowed bright with raw untamed energy. He reeled his fist back and swung with max force.

A wave of purple came out and hit the beowolfs, instantly atomizing the whole horde. The wave continued past them and chopped down a large section of the forest, and made a significant cut in the mountain.

The rest of JNPR froze, then slowly looked to Jaune with scared expressions. They had never seen anything like that before.

Jaune looked at the ash piles that were beowolfs, and the deforested area before him. He had never felt power like this in his life; and now it was all his to control.

Jaune: "This is gonna be fuuuun!"

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