Ozpin confrontation

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Jaune, his team, and team RWBY were sitting in Ozpin's office. Teams NPR and RWBY were tense, as Ozpin had a strange look on his face. It was a look of fear and jealousy rolled into one.

Ozpin: "So Jaune, would you mind explaining to me what I saw in the Emerald forest a few minutes ago?"

Jaune, with newfound confidence due to the mind gem calming him down, leaned back into his seat and started to explain.

Jaune: " Eh, just killed some Grimm with my team to let off some steam. Hey that rhymed!"

Yang snickered at that.

Ozpin: "Heh, yes it did. But I wasn't referring to the Grimm slaying, I was talking about what you slayed them with."

Jaune: *looks at gauntlet* "Oh this little thing? This my new weapon."

Ruby, being a huge weapon freak, looked shocked at hearing that.

Ruby: "But Jaune, what about Crocea Mors?"

Jaune: "What about it?"
Ruby: "It's your family sword! And you loved that sword too. Are going to throw it away just like that?"

Jaune: "Ruby, I loved that sword because it was all I had. If I had the money, trust me, I would've bought a better weapon on the spot. Now that I have a far superior weapon, I no longer need my sword. Plus, I never really cared for family traditions, so I'll probably just send it back home at some point."

Ozpin: "Can we please stop talking about your sword and get back to what is concerning me?"

Jaune: "What's concerning you?"

Ozpin: "Your new weapon sent out an energy wave that instantly vaporized a horde of Grimm, cut down a large section of trees, and nearly sliced the mountain in half. That is what concerns me. I want to know what else it can do before you give me another heart attack by cutting  away another landscape!"

Jaune:"Ok I'll tell you, calm down. This is the infinity gauntlet. This gauntlet combined with these gems give me total control over everything in the entire universe."
Ozpin: "T-that's not possible. Nothing on Remnant has that kind of power."

Jaune: "Well, this gauntlet isn't from Remnant."

Ozpin: "Prove it."

Jaune: "Fine."

Jaune got up from his seat and walked over to the window. He looked up at the moon and clenched the gauntlet into a fist. The gems glowed bright, and for an instant, so did the moon. Once the gems stopped glowing, everyone was shocked to see that the moon was no longer shattered, and was back to its whole form.

Jaune: *smirking* "Is that enough proof for you?"

Ozpin: *gulp* "Y-yes."

Jaune: "Good, because I'm tired. Let's go back to our dorms guys."

With that, Team JNPR and Team RWBY walked out of a scared Ozpin's office to go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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