Scene 2 - DPD

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Your POV

We stopped outside of a building in the city. I've never really seen this place that much, and I definitely haven't been inside. I wonder what it's like in there. 

Well I guess I'm going to find out.

Hank was the first to get out of the car and grumpily slam it behind him. Why was he angry all of a sudden? Connor then got out and opened my door for me to get out. When I stepped out, the building seemed a lot bigger, and darker than usual, as it was still night time. There were more cop cars parked outside and some people with their androids were walking up and down the sidewalk. I'm not used to being in such a crowded street so naturally I was scared. 

I scampered to keep up with Connor and Mr Anderson and eventually caught up with them as we came closer to the entrance doors. I didn't really know what to do in these situations but I felt vulnerable and tiny compared to everyone walking along the street. I walked beside Mr Anderson and lightly tugged on the side of his coat. He jumped a bit but then calmed down when he looked down at me.

"What is it kid?" He grumbled. It sounded like I was bothering him so I felt even more scared than before. Oh no he hates me doesn't he? He thinks I'm annoying. Oh gosh what do I do?! What do I say?!

"Um, c-can I hold your hand, Mr Anderson?" I asked nervously, barely above a whisper.

He looked at me wide eyed for a second. Did I say something wrong? 

He made a strange side movement with his mouth then furrowed his eyebrows, closing his eyes and looking forward again, away from me. "Sorry kid, I...... I don't do that sort a' stuff".

I nodded shyly in understanding and looked forward, I kept my hands to my side as I continued walking. I tried to keep my head down so I didn't have to look at anyone. More people walking around, AND in uniforms AND with scary weapons? No thanks. 

I suddenly felt someone take my hand in theirs which made me look up at them. I expected it to be Mr Anderson since he may have changed his mind. Though it wasn't him I was Connor. He smiled down at me and I smiled in return. I wasn't used to androids interacting with me, since AP was more of a house robot. He was given quick tasks then wasn't bothered for the rest of the day. I always tried to talk and play with him but he never seemed responsive, he was always doing a task or hiding away in the room we gave him. I'm not sure why.

We continued to walk into the building and I raised my head up slightly to see where we were going. Out of the corners of my eyes, I could see some officers staring at me and Connor, some giving looks of anger, disgust and disapproval. Connor looked unfazed by the glares he was receiving, but I was slowly trying to shrink away, out of their eyesight. So much so, that I was closely following behind Connor as he a kept a hold of my hand. I just wanted to get away from here.

We reached a desk near the back of the room and Hank was about to sit down until someone called his name from the other side of the room.

"Anderson! Office!"

He sighed and turned around, clearly annoyed that the man called him over. He strolled over to his office and closed the door behind him. Connor looked over it that direction then back at me, probably thinking, or scanning in his case, the situation to see where he should go, or where I should go.

He looked down at me and picked me up from under the arms,  put me down on Mr Anderson's desk chair and stood up straight, adjusting his tie as he spoke. "(Y/n), it appears that Mr Anderson is in need of my assistance. It would be wise that you stay here for a minute while he and I listen to the feedback from the investigation". 

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