Scene 16 - Guessing game

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Connor's POV

I managed to find the ship, as well as Markus and a lot more androids hidden within its rusty interior. When I explained to him who I was and who sent me, he found me trustworthy enough to let me help him. He said that they've all tried protesting in the streets but armed forces were always there to block there way or accuse them of being threatening. As far as I'm aware, these androids only went missing because they were scared of their human owners. They didn't want to hurt them, but they didn't want to get hurt either. 

I looked around the hall for a while until I spotted an android that I know I've seen before. From a distance, I couldn't tell what he looked like exactly, so I slid my way amongst the busy crowd and stopped a few metres away from him. He was sat in a ring of other androids around a fire, but he looked more beaten up than the rest. He was shaking uncontrollably, even with the heat of the flame. He was also rocking himself slowly as he muttered inaudible words. The only thing I could make from it was that he was having an argument with himself. He was slowly losing his mind while the other androids in the room were worriedly pacing the room or asking each other what they should do. However, this android sounded like he had come to terms with what could happen if the humans find us here.

 I noticed that his clothes were tattered and torn in different places, and his brown hair was dirty and matted. But the most noticeable thing abut him was what looked to be a burn wound crawling up the side of his face, making it seem like his skin was melting away. The skin was covered in dried blue blood that had flowed out of the burn and down his cheek. His left eye was completely white and clouded over since it must have been where the burn damaged him the most, like he had gone blind, while the other was a faded blue colour that didn't look much better. It was like a devoid of hope. Sadness.

I scanned him, and the data checked out.



PURCHASED: 09/14/2038

REPORTED MISSING:  11/05/2038'


This is the android that set fire to the house that night, and it looks like he didn't escape unharmed. 

Then I remembered about the nightmare. (Y/n) said that  would become like him. A murderer. He obviously must remember what happened. What he did. It was one of the only evident things about him. The murmuring, the rocking and shaking constantly.

He felt guilt.

Despite all my thoughts telling me to go up to him, I decided against it and backed away to make sure he didn't notice me. A confrontation with him is not what I'm here for. Instead, I told Markus my plan, and he was hesitant at first. It was risky, but it was the only grand gesture we could make to get the humans to listen to us. 

I got rid of the old clothes, revealing my android uniform once again, and left the boat to get to the CyberLife tower. A taxi pulled over on the sidewalk and I got inside.

It took a while before I got there, but eventually the taxi got past the security gate on the other side of the city, which led to the tall tower grazing the sky. I stepped out and made my way through the building. A security scan was in place at the front entrance, but it recognised me as an identified Connor android, so it was easy enough to get inside. The guard at the entrance had a black and white set of protective gear on and held a gun close by his side. I calmly walked along the giant room to try not to agitate anyone. The place itself was bland and artificial, like most things in the city these days, but in the centre stood a large statue of an undetailed person, standing confidently with its head to the sky light. 

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