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Be a doctor, you'll save lives
Or an engineer, you'll thrive
Get your life together, you gotta earn.
You're almost an adult, you gotta learn.
People scrutinise your every move,
Your future they have to approve.
Study hard, no time to procrastinate
You've been given privileges now time to reciprocate.
Get into an Ivy or you'll have a terrible fate
Focus on your application, no time for a mate.
In the race to come first
We ignore how many people we hurt
We don't realise what's really important
We will never get back this instant.
Our school lives will be over soon
And when we will be 30, we'll regret not utilising this boon.
We gotta realise that our life won't be over because of one bad grade,
Our report cards, with time, will fade.
This time is to make memories and new friends
Having fun and making new trends.
This time is to explore your options,
To cleanse our souls and remove all the toxins.
Don't make decisions to make others happy,
Don't follow the herd when you know it's crappy.
Follow your passion, follow your dreams,
At times hard it may seem.
No matter what people say,
not having found a passion is ok.
Try something new and walk on new pathways
And I bet you'll find something you love someday
Going to college shouldn't be your only goal
Real happiness will make you whole
Find something you'll love
And you'll live a life you're proud of.

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