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I gave you everything but it still wasn't enough. it was never enough. You made me feel like I was nothing, made me believe that I was difficult to love. And like a fool I kept trying, I kept trying till I became too much. I got in so deep that I lost who I was. I knew it was toxic. I knew it wasn't right. But no matter how bad things got. I couldn't help but try.

I told myself it would be different this time. I just couldn't give up.  Constantly battling over whether this is love or lust. Because if it was love then why was it so messed up? I will treat myself like  nothing. Yet to you I gave so much. And then you go and break my heart. Tell me that you're sorry and that this is a fresh start. And Like a fool I'd wait. Wait for the day you'd make another mistake. A part of me wants to speak up, but I hesitate. It's like you're controlling me. You've infected my brain. How do I escape when you've  become part of my DNA? Even when you're gone I am the one who is left with all the pain.

He said he's sorry. He told me he didn't mean it and that he is going to change. And I choose to believe when he says he won't hurt me again. i'm not expecting you to understand. Go ahead judge me. But if I lose him, I'll have nobody. Do you get that? Who wants to live a life where they are alone and empty?

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