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Eve groaned at her mother's shriek. She rolled out of her bed and walked downstairs. Eve hated her full name; it was too archaic. It sounded like she was a hundred years old, not eighteen. She only liked it when Adlaric called her by her first name, oddly enough. "Yeah, ma?"

"Dinner baby girl. Your father will be home soon." Jessica was still talking on the phone as Eve sat down. She waited a few minutes to eat, but when her mother came in with a guilty expression, Eve sighed. "Gotta go back into work?"

Jessica nodded before sighing. "I promise I'll be back in a few hours. Finish eating and do your homework, alright?"

"Will dad be home soon?" Eve asked. Once again, her mother went silent, and Eve just nodded.

"Eve he-"

"Don't worry, mom. I get it. You two are very busy. Honestly, I'm glad we were able to spend my birthday together. Go be a boss ass bitch, mom." Jessica scolded her daughter with a sharp look. Eve shrugged, grinning. "Hey, I'm an adult!"

"I'll still kick your ass," Jessica responded jokingly, kissing her daughter's forehead. Jessica was out the door before the clock switched. Eve sighed and cleaned up her mess before putting away the leftovers. When she was thoroughly bored, she attempted to call June.

"Eve! Hey! I'm sorry, my family is having people over. I'll call back when I can," June hurriedly said. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine...my parents just left, and I got bored. I'm sorry. Have fun June." Eve hung up and sighed, snuggling into her pillows. As she looked out her bedroom window, her eyes caught a brief glimpse of something. Its bright eyes made her lose her breath. As she sat up to focus more, she realized it was a medium-sized wolf. When it tried to take a step forward, it limped and stopped immediately. With her eyes narrowed, she could tell its paw was bleeding and its leg was mangled.

She didn't know where her senses went. She knew it was a bad idea to go see a wild animal, but something pushed her to do so. Something in her wanted to help the dangerous predator. When she got downstairs, she put on a jacket and shoes before opening the backdoor and walking out onto the patio. Eve walked to where she had seen the wolf, but it wasn't there anymore. When she turned around, she jumped when she saw canines and beady eyes.

"H-hello," she stuttered. Dumb, so dumb, but she was scared out of her mind. The wolf was tiny, barely at her knees, but she could see from its eyes, it could put up a fight. It would fight for its life. The wolf growled deep in its throat.

Hesitantly, she reached out a hand because that's what you do when you meet a new dog, right? Wolves and dogs were in the same family... You let the animal smell your scent. You get them comfortable. Her hand shook as the wolf gingerly sniffed her hand. When she took a step forward, its growl got louder.

She read somewhere that wolves responded to hierarchy. She stood above the tiny wolf, and if the roles were reversed, she would make herself as dominant as possible. She smiled and sat down slowly on the cold ground. This seemed to calm the wolf a little, and it hesitantly took a step forward but fell as it put pressure on its paw. It whined and Eve pouted.

"I want to help you...but I need you not to scare me, alright? Please? I know you can't understand me but..." Without her finishing, the wolf nudged her hand, and she petted the area between its ears. "There's a good boy," she whispered, standing up. "Stay here. Stay," she ordered. The wolf growled softly. "Jeez, okay. I won't order you anymore."

Eve went back inside and grabbed a first aid kit. She wasn't a vet, but she knew that she could help the little wolf out until she could get it to one. She put on an extra jacket and latex gloves before heading back out. She smiled when she saw the wolf patiently waiting. Sitting back down, she exhaled and opened the kit.

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