Chapter 4

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Further down the beach closer to the water's edge another group gathered. This group was a bit mismatched and was forced together because of their little girls. If it weren't for their daughters Heidi and Lana, who were inseparable all summer, Melissa Pendleton and Nora Drake would never have been friendly. Melissa was the type who was busy making healthy snacks and taking her daughter to dance class and when she was younger play group and Gymboree. Nora was a medical physician who worked part time at a hospital in Massachusetts. Melissa was sweet as southern iced tea and Nora was as harsh as a Maine winter. Nora had a type A personality with no use for pleasantries. Meanwhile one of the dames, Rose Howe was often in their group, because her granddaughter, Bethany was also friends with the girls.

The last member of the odd grouping was Mason Hughes, who was a novelty as a stay-at-home dad. Ever since his wife Ruby had made it big on cable TV, he took over the care for their four children. Maribelle, their youngest liked to play with the other little girls. At age eight, Maribelle was a year older than her friends. Her brothers often ran off with their own friends and her fifteen year old sister, Lucinda, made chasing teenage boys an art form.

Mason attracted a lot of attention from the housewives and was generally a good sport. He was known to swap recipes, fix leaks and bring mixed drinks to his little unlikely group on the beach. As the adults sat, Mason commented in his southern accent which was as slow and smooth as molasses.

"I can finally relax. I spent years chasing babies up and down the beach and playing lifeguard. My Maribelle was in swim lessons all winter and is a little fish now."

The girls sat together laughing and giggling as they dribbled mud on each other. Rose who missed nothing noticed a different seating chart. Melissa had always sat next to Mason, since they had the most in common. They were both married to beautiful, famous people — not that they weren't both beautiful, as well. Rose sat and chatted with Mason, while Nora held Melissa attention. Occasionally, she would turn towards the two women to catch their conversation. Rose shook her head when Nora switched to bragging about her daughter's accomplishments in school. Their daughters were seven, so Rose was at a loss about the need to brag. So they could both read, spell and subtract, but Rose was far more concerned with how nice the little girls played together. Luckily the little friends usually were kind to one another, still Rose wasn't getting involved and turned her attention back to Mason.

He scanned the beach. "I don't trust any of the boys with my Lucinda. I was a teenage boy once. I haven't forgotten."

Rose laughed. "I remember you as a teenager with the girls chasing you."

Once upon a time, Mason ran with Rose's son. Mason grew up to be the better man — better father too. Nora left first dragging Lana with her who wanted to stay longer with her friends. When Rose started to pack up, Melissa jumped up to join her. It was then Rose decided something wasn't right between the Pendleton's and the Hughes. Melissa was avoiding Mason when normally they were thick as thieves.

Rose mentioned her concerns to Mary when she was out walking Fritz. Mary just shook her head, "Tsk, tsk."

Poor Mason. She had a soft spot for the boy, it must have been Jeremy and Ruby Mary saw in the dark.

By the end of the week, The Point was all a buzz about the divorcee kissing a married man in a dark corner. On Friday afternoon, four of the dames met for bridge.

Bea asked, "What do you make of all these rumors flying around?"

Rose said, "None of them are true." Even if they were she didn't like people talking about others.

Mary said, "I bought myself a piece of haddock the other day and that woman was very helpful. She was alone in the fish market. Todd was probably off playing golf." The others nodded, because it was no secret that Todd Evans loved golf. "I could listen to her talk all day. She said she moved from London and missed her mum."

Madelyn asked, "The question is why ever did she come to Maine and how did she end up on The Point?"

Bea said, "I disagree. The question is whose husband is she meeting in the dark?"

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