Chapter 14

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Ruby was in full hostess mode. After returning from an afternoon at the beach, she compiled aesthetically pleasing platters of cheese and other nibbles. Once everything was laid out, just so, she showered and changed while Mason fetched the lobsters.

A long time ago, he liked to watch her dressed for the evening, but the desire had vanished. If he was honest, he had changed too. At one time having fun was his priority, but maturity and parenthood had changed him. One thing he was certain of was he wouldn't get drunk. He needed his wits not to show any lust for Melissa.

The woman of the rumors was behind the counter. She greeted him and he ordered a dozen lobsters. As she swiping his credit card, she said, "Your accent is different."

He smiled. "I'm from the south, so I'm not as far from home as you."

A shadow fell over her face at the mention of home. He remembered Melissa's belief she was sad and lonely.

"Will you go home after the summer?"

She didn't reply immediately. "I hope to, but there is uncertainty."

"Well," he said taking a large paper sack that she handed him. "I hope you do."

He turned to leave and he thought about summer being a finite amount of time. He'd have to say goodbye and go home. The thought left his heart feeling heavy.

After an awkward start, Mason relaxed. Because they had spent so many evenings together, it felt comfortable. Ruby wore a tight fitting summer dress which accentuated the results of the surgeries he had paid for. She always gave her full attention to Jeremy, because she loved famous people.

Melissa's dress was more modest, but Mason had to constantly steer his eyes away. After dinner, the two couples settled in for a game of hearts. Jeremy kept winning and Ruby whined, because she had no luck. Or was it skill?

Melissa was too antsy to concentrate on her cards. She had seen the queen of spades a few too many times. Seeing Mason and Ruby together was unnerving. Picking up the wine bottle she topped off her glass and refilled Ruby's. She had been keeping Ruby's glass full all evening. Her efforts were purely selfish. If Ruby passed out, Mason wouldn't be on top of her.

They had put Heidi to bed in Maribelle's room. After Ruby passed out on the couch, Jeremy wasn't far behind. Mason insisted they leave Heidi for the night.

Platonically hugging Mason goodnight, she whispered, "Don't leave my daughter unattended."

He shook his head. With Jeremy home, she didn't expect him to visit, but it was obvious Jeremy would be out cold very soon.

On Sunday morning at The Landing, it was no secret who drank too much the night before. Jeremy Pendleton arrived wearing sunglasses he kept on even inside.

When Mason Hughes arrived with their two little girls, Heidi ran, shrieking, "Daddy!"

The famous reporter scooped her up as he winced, "Please darling, not so loud."

Wendy observed the telltale signs of a hangover and whispered to Drew.

"When you're famous will you look like that after getting pissed?" Drew looked confused. "Drunk."

Drew laughed, but then frowned. "If my father gets his way, I'll never set foot in California."

As if he knew he was being spoken about Ed walked in with the doctor. Both were smiling having returned from an early tee off. Rick greeted them, but Drew took their orders.

Ed began bragging to Will Drake about Drew applying to Harvard.

Will replied, "You must be proud."

"He's not going to be proud because I'm not applying to Harvard and I don't want to be a lawyer."

"Andrew!" His father scolded.

Drew walked away while Wendy and Rick were left shaking their heads. Even the doc was surprised. The Landing was always crowded as was the beach later. Word spread life was not perfect in the Pelletier family.

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