I'm A Werewolf

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Hallaaaaaah !

Alright so I know a lot of you are a bit mad that I haven't uploaded but guess what! If your reading this then that means you’re about to read my next chapter! So my apologies but I've just been so busy but today, today is your day! So I won't keep you guys waiting anymore here's the next chapter!!


"So are you single?" Austin asked getting impossibly closer to her.

"Yes, no, wait... it's just, it's complicated." she could hear Austin sigh and soon his body was off of hers.

The fact that Payton was in a relationship with someone and she wanted to so badly kiss someone else made her feel bad. She didn't want to be that girl, she felt sick for doing it, sure Damon was a dick but no matter what it still wasn't right, maybe the old Payton would have no problem with it but this Payton is the real her and she hated what she was doing, but she couldn't push back that burning desire in her.

"I'll see you around Payton." Austin said before walking off. He didn't go back in class but in the opposite direction.

Payton slid down the lockers and hit the floor with a bump. She rested her head in her hands and thought about everything. Everything she promised and how she had her whole year planned out, get in and get out. That was her plan she wasn't supposed to get attached to anybody let alone a guy. A guy that she felt so much for her.

She banged the back of her head in the locker not caring about how much it hurt. She wasn't thinking straight. Was being with Austin really worth breaking her promise with her parents? Was giving up on Austin even possible?

Everything was running through Payton’s mind she thought about how close Austin’s lips where to hers. She hated herself for saying yes to Damon but he was the only reason why she's been able to resist kissing Austin for so long.

Payton stayed there thinking for at least half hour thinking about everything and how quickly things changed. She made up her mind and got up to head home. Her mind was set, she knew this is what she had to do. Her phone rang when she was half way home, she was supposed to go to Mia's house today but she wasn't up for her so she had to walk home, not that she really cared since it was such a short walk and she wanted to think. But then again her phone rang and she couldn't help but wonder if this was some type of sign.

When Austin got home he threw himself onto his bed. As cheesy or girly it sounds he felt as if his heart crashed over and over again. He raised his hopes when he thought Payton was single; he thought that he finally had his in, but boy was he wrong.

Anger filled his body as he began to think about Damon with Payton. He was basically cheating on her and she didn't do anything. How could a girl so beautiful and perfect stand to get played liked that. Payton was perfect, she was everybody's dream girl and he was blessed enough to have her as a soul mate. But for what? To see some other guy treat her like shit.

Austin was determined to make sure Damon would treat her right, and if he still stayed the same he would so deeply regret it, if Payton was happy with him then he would have to learn to live with the fact that the love of his life was with someone else, even if Payton did break up with Damon that didn't mean she would finally be his, but if he even got the slightest opportunity to make her his, there was no doubt he would take it.

He understood the whole promise thing with her parents, even though he didn't meet them he knew all they wanted was for her to be happy, and if she was happy with him then they wouldn't care. Austin was determined to make her happy to make her feel like she was the most important girl in the world because that's what she was. The feeling he felt for her were like no other. Not only was his wolf going crazy for her but he actually felt like he had fallen in love with her.

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