Chapter 1

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I stared at my empty apartment in Orlando as the feelings flooded back to me of the past four years. I had moved to Florida when I was 20 years old to go to University for sports medicine and athletic training. I had taken a couple of gap years out of high school because I just simply wasn't ready for the whole college commitment thing. I really wanted time to decide what I wanted to study and once I did, I researched and researched schools until I came across UCF, applied and got accepted.

I worked towards my Sports Medicine degree and had just graduated a couple months ago. Now was when I had to figure out what to do with my degree. I wasn't 100% sure, but I did know that I wanted to go back home to Boston. I missed the seasons and I missed my friends and family.

I had arranged to stay with my best friend from home, Olivia, until I found an apartment for myself and a job. I didn't want to bother my dad with all of that, considering his new girlfriend had just moved in and she wasn't my favorite person.... heck, he wasn't really my favorite person.

"Well, this is it, apartment," I said. "Thanks for all the memories." My across the hall neighbor stared at me as I turned around and met her gaze, "see ya," I got out before I made my way to my car. And now it was time for me and all of my things to make the ride back to Boston!

After a long drive and a giant lack of sleep, I pulled up to Olivia's condo and before I was even able to put the car in park, she was already running outside. "IVY," she yelled as she embraced me in a hug. "I missed you so DAMN much. Come in, oh my god. You have so much stuff!! But we can get that after we catch up. Let's go inside!" She practically dragged my ass inside and hugged me again. I smiled and sighed happily. "It's nice to see you, Liv," I finally said. "Ugh it's so nice to see you too. I can't believe you're going to be living with me for a while, I feel like we're kids again!"

Olivia and I had known each other since we were about 5 years old. I had ived in the same house with my brother, Mason, and my dad for as long as I can remember. On my fifth birthday we got new neighbors! I remember staring out the window looking to see if they had kids. There weren't many kids living in the suburb of Boston where we were, so having someone else to play with would've been great. Sure enough, Olivia came out of the moving van and stepped into the yard next to mine and I practically jumped off the couch. "Woah woah, kiddo," my dad said. "Where do you think you're going?" I looked at him with a blank stare. "The neighbors!!! They have a girl my age, daddy! I wanna go meet her." My dad took me and my baby brother, at the time, to see the neighbors and I finally met Olivia. Ever since that day we were absolutely inseparable. So, as you can imagine, it broke both of our hearts when I went to college in Florida. But, I really needed to get out of Boston and discover myself. I was feeling less and less like a person the more I spent with my dad who was now an alcoholic.

After a little while of catching up, I decided to get some rest as I was running on zero hours of sleep. It felt good to be back in Boston. I wonder what life had planned for me now.

HEY GUYS this is my VERY FIRST fan fic ever and, of course, it's about the wonderful Julian Edelman! My name is Layla and I hope you enjoy this story! I'm going to try and upload as often as I have time! Feel free to save this and wait for updates!!!!

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