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All the lights were out and the four men were laying in bed. Ed and Greg were on the outside as Sam and Spike laid in the middle. Sam was tossing and turning clearly in the middle of a nightmare.
“You killed me Sam, you killed me.” “I was cleared to fire, you shouldn't have been there.” “So now it's my fault” yelled Matt. “I'm not saying that.” “You are going to be the reason one of your teammates dies.” “Come on Sam, wake up. It's just a dream.” Slowly Sam's eyes began to open. “That's it. It's only a dream.” But it's wasn't, it actually happened, he killed his best friend. Without a word Sam got up and walked away. “That's the third time” sighed Greg. “I'm going to go after him. He shouldn't be alone.” Ed said. Without another word he got up to go after the younger sniper. “What's going on Samo? Talk to me.” Ed said as he sat on the couch next to Sam. “I'm sorry” was the only thing the blonde said. “Aw bud, there is nothing to apologize for, we just want to help.” “I'm fine.” Team One's favorite words, spoken by all. “Let's go back to bed. We have the day off.” “You can go. I think it's better if I don't”, Sam said putting his head in his hand. “I'll just keep you up, it's not fair to you guys.” “Hey don't say that. Come on let's go.” They both made the way back to the bedroom and into their respective place. Ed pulled the younger man close as Greg pulled the bomb tech close to him. “Night. Love you.” ‘Love yous’ came from the three other lovers. They slept peacefully for the rest of the night snuggled into each other.

“Sam I think we need to talk.” Greg said. “I don't, so leave it.” Sam grounded out. “Hey, no need for the attitude, I know you are going through a rough time, but do you need an attitude adjustment? Because that can be done.” “Or you could just let it be.” “That's it.” With that Sam was dragged to the couch and pulled over the negotiator lap. “We are going to talk more, but let's see if we can get this attitude in check.” With nothing else being said the older man yanked the younger man's pants and boxers down, then began spanking him. After around five minutes the blonde was tilted forward and swats landed on his sit spot making him squirm. “Ready to talk without the attitude?” “Yeah.” Came a strained answer. “Good.” Three more swats and then the negotiator sat him up, careful of his butt, and pulled him into a kiss. “Alright, what's going on Sammy?” “Matt.” It only took than one name for Greg to understand. “It's wasn't your fault. You were cleared to fire, you couldn't of known he was down there.” “What if he's right?” “About what?” “I will get one of you guys killed. I'm more of a danger than I am of a help. The team would be safer without me.” “Look at me.” Smack “I said look at me Samuel, this team needs you, we need you, I need you. Understand?” Smack “I said, understand” “Yeah Greg, I understand.” “Good.”

“Ed, he thinks we would be better off without him. That the team would be better off without him. I'm worried. You don't think he would turn the gun on himself, do you?” “I don't think he would, but let me talk to him.” “Go easy Eddie.”

“Hey Samo, how are you doing?” “Fine.” “That's hard to believe. You want to try again.” “Not really.” Sam shrugged. “Greg told me what you two talked about. He's right you know? We all need you.” The only thing Sam did was shrugged again. Ed was getting frustrated. “Do we need to be worried?” “What? About my work performance? No, I'm good.” “I meant about you? Do we need to be concerned about you?” “Nothing to be concerned about. But if you want to hold onto my gun, it's in the glovebox.” Sam was hoping it sounded convincing, but to be honest it has cross his mind. If Matt was right then he should save them the trouble. The last statement worried Ed. He didn't say anything about the gun, and if Sam was willing to let him hold onto it, it couldn't be good. “We care about you Sam, we don't want anything happening to you.” “Okay.”

“Hey Spike, have you noticed something off about Sam?” Wordy asked. “Yeah, Ed and Sarge are worried too. I can tell. He's been having nightmares a lot lately.” As they were talking Sam walked into the changing room. “What you guys talking about?” He tried to sound normal. “Nothing really. I was hoping to talk with you Sam.” Wordy said. “Um..yeah sure.” With that Spike left the room to allow them to talk. “So what's been going on, and don't you dare say your fine.” “I don't know what you're talking about.” “Cut the bull crap Samuel.” Wordy said using his fatherly voice. “Fine. You want to know what's wrong? I shouldn't be here, I'm going to get someone hurt or worse just like I did to Matt. Everyone would be better without me.” Sam blew up.“Sam don't say that. We need you, what happened to Matt was not your fault.” “Why does everyone keep saying that? I pulled the trigger.” “Did you give the all clear? No. You had no way of knowing that he was there. He doesn't blame you only you blame you.” “Yeah, whatever.” Sam gruffed. “I'll pull you over my knee until all the guilt is driven away and you realise it wasn't your fault and that we need you if I have to.” “Whatever Wordy.” “Alrighty then.” Without another word Sam was being dragged over the older man's lap. He squirmed and tried to kick but his legs were captured by the other man's and his jeans pulled down. “You.. swat… did not… swat… give… swat swat… the order… swat… to... swat… fire... Swat swat swat...You did… swat… what... swat... you were... swat.. told. Swat swat swat. Sam was tilted forward and his boxers lowered, as the swats rained down on his sit spot, making sure he felt it. Tears were now free falling as he went limped and Wordy laid a dozen more hard swats before fixing his clothes. “It was not your fault Samuel. Do you understand that now Sam?” “Yeah, loud and clear.” “Good.”

“Where the hell were you Samuel Braddock? Huh?” Boomed Ed as he made his way over to the younger sniper landing three hard swats on the poor man's tender ass. “We were worried.” “Didn't Spike tell you Wordy and I were talking?” Sam said rubbing his butt. “No he didn't. SPIKE. I'm guessing he also talked with his hand.” Ed smirked. “You yelled?” “Yeah, you forgot to tell me something?” “No?” The bomb tech said uncertainty. “Oh, so you didn't know Sam and Wordy were talking?” Ed asked with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, that um…?” Spike said rubbing the back of his neck. “Come here.” Ed said motioning his finger. Spike did as he was told and when close enough Ed grabbed his upper arm and spun him around. Smack after smack was landed on the brunettes butt. Then Ed dragged him to the couch and draped him over his knees. In one swift move the younger man's pants and boxers were down. “You knew we were worried Michelangelo.” “I forgot...Ow… dammit Ed that hurts.” “It's supposed to.” Ed titled his younger lover down and began on the sensitive spot. The bomb tech was in tears by the time it was over. “I think there is something you want to say to Sam?” “Sorry Samtastic.” “It's okay, come here.” The blonde pulled the brunette into a kiss and then smacked him three times hard. “I deserved that.” “Yeah you did.” All was good in the house.

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