sam and spikes night

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“What the hell happened to the two of you?”... “About this, someone in the living room that wants to speak with the both of you”

Ed hurriedly and got dressed as Greg went over to Sam and Spike. “What did you two do?,” Greg sighed as he grasped each of their upper arms. Spike hung his head as Sam tried to get out of Greg's grasp. “Stop it now, Samuel, unless you want a trip over the knee.” Ed came out, now fully dressed, “I swear you two better have not done something stupid. It won't be pretty if you did.” They all began to walk down to the living room, Ed had Sam in his grasp now as Greg had Spike. Spike still had his head hung low but Sam was trying to get out of Ed's grasp. Three hard swats landed on Sam's ass, as Ed leaned in close and said, “I don't care who is in there, I will pull you over my knee and spank you, do you understand?” “Yes sir.” Sam stopped struggling and began walking with his head low, like Spikes. Greg and Ed was surprised to see Wordy standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. Greg sighed, “What did these two do?” “I got a call from a buddy at a bar, he said there was a fight and that there were two SRU officers involved. He didn't want to call the cops because he knew they would get into some serious trouble, so he called me instead. Well I got there and managed to break up the fight only to find these two in the middle.” He said gesturing to Sam and Spike. “I asked them what was happening and that one,” Wordy said pointing to Spike “decided to give attitude.” Greg turned Spike sideways and laid a dozen swats on the bomb tech. Spike began to squirm, but another swat made him stop. “I asked what they thought they were doing, and Sam said, “What does it look like asshole? Having fun.” So I dragged the both out and brought them here.” The grip on the two younger ones tightened. “Thanks Wordy. We'll take it from here.” Greg said. The two older ones dragged the younger ones upstairs and into the bathroom. “Let's see if we can do something about both of your mouths before we talk about the rest.” When Sam saw the soap he said, “hell no!” and tried to run. Sadly for him Ed was just a little faster and caught him by the waist of his pants. Wasting no time he yanked the blonde back and bent him over, placing swat after swat on his ass. “You better stop it now Samuel, or you will lose a few pieces of clothing.” Sam froze not wanting to make it worse than it already will be. “Good choice. Now open up.” Sam and Spike had a bar of soap shoved in their mouths, “Keep it there for 3 minutes, spit it out and you won't like the consequences. Understand?” They both vigorously nodded not wanting to piss off their lovers. 3 minutes passed by and the older men took the soap out of the younger ones. Once again taking them into their grasps, they were dragged to the bedroom. “It's late, we'll talk in the morning.” sighed Ed. With that said, he pushed Sam onto the bed as Greg pushed Spike down, giving them both kisses. The older sniper wrapped his arms around the younger sniper and the negotiator wrapped his arms around the bomb tech pulling them close. Spike started to silently cry into Greg's chest. As he began rubbing Spikes back he said, “Shh buddy, you're okay. Shh. I'm not mad. I love you” the tears began to taper off “ that's it. We'll talk in the morning. Time to sleep”. They all fell to sleep, praying it would be a restful one, sadly it was not. Spike clanged tightly to Greg all night, and Sam fell into a nightmare.


“We're disappointed to say we know you. Your a disgrace, can't do anything right. Worthless. Useless.!” Ed was yelling. “You don't belong. Should have kicked you out long ago.!” Greg. “It was you who killed Lou. Spike. “Just like you killed me. Don't you see Sammy, you get everyone killed. You are a danger to everyone around you. Do everyone a favor and leave.!” Matt. “I’m sorry everyone. I know that I failed you all. I’m leaving now, and you’ll never have to see me again.” “GOOD”.

Sam shot up, sweat pouring down his face, ‘They would be better off without me. I could end it all right now. Wait they care. At least I think they do.’ He began to try get out of bed only to be pulled back. “You’re alright Sammy. I got you. You’re okay.” Ed begun to hush. “I got to go.” was the only thing Sam said. Ed shared a concern look over the blondes head to his other lovers. “Sorry buddy we can’t let that happen.” Greg said, reaching over and cupping one of his hands over Sams cheek, wiping the tears away. “Sammy, whats wrong? Please don’t say nothing because it's something.” Spike said. “I need to leave.” Sam said more frantically, this time breaking out of Eds grasp and running out the door. Without a second thought the three others ran after him, the sight they saw broke their hearts. Sam was at one of the gun cases trying to get it open. With no hesitation Ed ran over and pulled Sam away tackling him to the floor. “Shh Sammy, you don’t want to do that. I’ve got you, shh. Want to tell me what this is about?” “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” All their hearts shattered hearing Sam apologize over and over. “Please don’t hate me. Please don’t.” Greg came over and knelt in front of Sam, “We would never hate you. Why do you think we would?” “You said I was worthless and you didn’t want me. I am only a disappointment. I’m sorry” Sam pleaded. “Oh Sam, we would never hate you. It was only a dream we got you and never letting go.” Ed stood up picking up Sam as if he weighed nothing. Together they all walked, or in Sams case carried, back to the bedroom. The clock on the nightstand read 6:34 am. They are laid back in their respective places as the two older ones held the younger ones close. Greg reached his one arm over Spike as Ed reached over Sam and they held hands. “Let's rest a little more, there is a lot to talk about later.” Sam and Spike both tensed at that. “Don’t worry we aren't mad about what happened last night, we just need to talk.” sighed Greg. For the next hour they laid silently snuggled close together. One by one they got out of bed, Ed staying close to Sam, not quite trusting the blonde. “Let’s eat, then talk.” Greg said. Once done they moved into the living room and settled on the couches. “Alright let's talk about last night, Spike, why did you decide to give Wordy attitude when he was just trying to help?” Ed asked. “I don't know Eddie, I guess I was drunk and not thinking. I'm sorry I disappointed you, I understand if you don't want me anymore.” Spike lowered his head and tears began to pour out of his eyes. Greg knelt in front of Spike and lifted his chin. “Hey now Michelangelo, do not say that, just like we told Sam last night, you are not going anywhere. Yes I'm disappointed in your actions but not in you. You are not going to get off scotch free, you're still getting a spanking, but only because we care. Understand?” “Yeah, I think I do.” “Good.” Greg stood back up and knelt in front of Sam, “Hey Sammy, we got quite a bit to talk about huh?” Sam gulped at that, “I guess so, sir.” “Hey, hey. No need for the ‘sir’. Lets begin with, why did you call Wordy an asshole?” “Like Spike, I was drunk and not thinking.” “Alright. You're not getting off either but there is something I think we need to talk about too. Do you want to talk in front of Eddie and Spike?” Sam hesitated. He really didn't want to talk in front of them, but was afraid of hurting them if he didn't. Ed saw the hesitation and said, “It's alright Samo, you don't have to talk in front of us if you don't want.” “He's right Sam you don't have to, you wont hurt our feelings.” “I rather not” Sam said just above a whisper. “Do you want to talk to me or Eddie?” “You.”Something about Greg made it seem easier to talk. Without question the other two left. “Alright, let's talk” “I had a dream where you, Ed, Spike, and Matt were all yelling at me telling me that I'm worthless and you don't want me around,  so I thought that maybe I would make it easier and leave.” Greg stood up suddenly and pulled Sam into a strong hug. “No no Samuel, we would never want you to leave. We would never say that, it was only a nightmare. I promise you. I'm going to have you take a week off” Sam opened his mouth to protest but a glare from Greg made him shut it. “And I'm also going to take your gun for the week. It's not punishment only precaution. Me or Ed will also call throughout the day and you better answer. If not there will be consequences. Again this is not a punishment” “Could of fooled me” Sam mumbled. Greg sighed. “I know Sammy, but we’re only doing this because we care”.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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