'She was right'

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(A/N: a slightly shorter chapter tonight but still hope you enjoy it all the same, and then after this I think I might take a break from this particular fic for a day or two)


'Tracy' I say opening her door to find she isn't here

And I haven't seen Liam anywhere either today

This is bad...

'LUNCH!' I hear Gina shout and I head to join the others

'Anyone seen Liam today?' Mike says

'No' everyone says

'Lily? What's wrong?' I hear Mike say

'Nothing' I say adamantly

'He's doing so well though isn't he' Mike says

'Yeah we're all so proud of him' Gina says

'He's a good friend' Frank says

'None of you have a clue do you!!! He's not a good friend he's not a good person he's obsessed...with Tracy!!' I shout

'What?' Mike says

'Yeah whatever' Sapphire says

'Um hello age difference!?' Carmen says

'That's the point! He doesn't care! He's obsessed!!' I say

'Lily. Are you being serious.' Mike says

'Of course I'm being serious! Why would you ask?' I say

'Because I just got a voice recording from Tracy' mike says

He plays it aloud

Just let me go!! HELP!!

Everyone looks shocked.

'She was right. She said it was Liam and I laughed' he says

'We need to go and check his room' Lily says

'You do that I'm gonna go and get Tracy and someone call the police' mike says

'He's just a kid' Gina says

'And she's my daughter' mike says before leaving

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