Chapter 19

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**Gosh, the reactions to "I never stopped." lololol, i love you guys. anyway, I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me 200+ votes on this! Also, this just reached 100 comments. I never thought this would get 9,000 reads either. All my others never even got to 3,000. So yeah thank you so SO much, the support and feedback I get from this is just amazing and flattering. <3**


As we left the dressing room, we decided to annoy Paul. We sprinted down the hall and I saw Louis rest against a wall, refusing to join the others. As everyone laughed and returned to Paul, I silently jogged a little further and walked into one of the smaller dressing rooms. My eyes were fixed on Louis who was literally skipping down the hallway. As he passed, I grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him inside the room, pushing him against the wall. His eyes scanned my face for a millisecond then widened as he realised it was me.

"What do you want?" he asked me, his eyes locked on mine.

"This." I whispered, not knowing what else to say. I couldn't take it any longer. I pressed my forehead onto his and felt our lips touch briefly. A small moan escaped his lips and I smiled slightly.

"If you're going to kiss me, do it already." he pleaded, I could hear the desperation in his voice. I laughed quietly before pushing my lips onto his, gripping his hair as I did so. He moved his hand up my back and his lips were moving in sync with mine. My tongue swept across his bottom lip, pleading for entry to which he granted. As our tongues fought for dominance, I could feel he was getting more into it. I pulled away, gripping his bottom lip quickly as I did so.

"You love me again." I saw love fill his eyes.

"I never stopped."


"Then why did you..?" he looked slightly confused before smiling again. "I don't care." he smiled again as he wrapped his arms around my neck and tugged on my curls, pulling my face close to his. I gripped his back and closed the space between us, kissing him lightly again. He stood back, one hand still in my hair as he looked at me. His face dropped slightly before he lowered his hand from my curls, down to my shirt. I breathed in sharply with panic, moving his hand with my own. He looked at me as if he was telling me to stop and I obeyed. He lifted the bottom of my shirt to reveal my hips and covered his mouth.

"You told me you'd stopped this.." He shook his head.

"No I didn't... You just assumed I did." I almost shrugged before he pulled me into another hug.

"Why are you cutting again?" he whispered into my ear. "And why your hips?"

"People were starting to notice on my arms and wrists, I had to do it somewhere less noticable. And Louis," I chuckled lightly on his name. "The pain of cutting myself was nowhere near as bad as the pain of losing you. I thought maybe doing this would help me forget about you but it didn't. I could never forget you." I shook my head. He put his hand on my hip, being gentle as not to hurt me.

"Well you haven't lost me and you never will." he replied, pulling my shirt back down. He kissed my cheek once more before holding my hand. "Come on."

We walked out of the small room into the hall, where Paul and the boys were way ahead. I sighed.

"This is so fucking complicated. Now we have to either keep it a secret again, or just tell them." I whispered to him so they couldn't hear.

"It's your call."


"It's your call." I replied, not wanting to make any big decisions right now. I was just happy he forgave me.

"Shall we make it even harder and not tell them? Just for shits and giggles?" he chuckled, entwining our fingers.

"Let's not. Maybe we should tell the boys. But no-one else." I nodded, thinking of the ways we could do this. He nodded back and kissed my temple, pulling me close to him.

"LARRY!!!" Niall screamed and I shot my head up to find the boys, and Paul, staring at us. I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed.

"Looks like we don't have a choice who we tell." he whispered, walking towards them. He slapped Niall across the back of the head. "Shut up, Niall." he chuckled and took my hand again. Niall yelped and held his head.

"Your secret's safe with me." Paul shrugged.

"Thanks.." I nodded. Maybe things would finally work out this time.

***OKAY, very short chapter here, but I wanted a bit of Harry's POV in the last chapter and couldn't find a good place for it. So forgive me, but I had Harry POV cravings:(***

Holding My Breath ~ Larry StylinsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin