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It was another world meeting, which meant that the companies that make painkillers will have a boom in business as the nations desperately tried to resist the urge to choke each other, especially Germany who was trying to regain some form of order. Unfortunately, it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon as England and France yelled about the Battle of Waterloo, Greece was fast asleep as his cat lapped up the complimentary water, Italy was munching on a large plate of spaghetti while Romano was chewing on a plump tomato, Spain was chatting loudly with someone on the phone, Netherlands and Switzerland were doing their accounts, Mexico was putting a knife through a picture of America's president while muttering something about walls, Japan was busily drawing manga as he waited for the other nations to calm down, China was muttering something about America's debt to him, and Russia was creepily smiling at America who was reading a Captain America comic while laughing obnoxiously and shoving a large cheeseburger into his mouth. 

"CAN'T WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE ECONOMY!?" Germany cried, slamming his forehead against the table in defeat with a deafening thud that resounded throughout the meeting hall which startled some nations but not enough to stop their activities. As Germany regrets his life choices (you know more than usual), he raised his head up slightly to see who was next to present their idea to stop world hunger and groaned seeing that it was America who was probably going to drone on and on superheroes ending the world's problems or something equally stupid. Groaning in frustration, he muttered, "America, you're up." 

"Cool, my dude," America replies. Standing up, he gathered up his papers and briefcase and walked up to the front where a whiteboard on a metal stand was already set up. He then tossed his briefcase on the floor and dove after it and opened it much to the annoyance of the countries who wanted to evacuate as fast as they possibly could. Eventually, he gathered up a couple of papers and stood back up. "Welp. Everyone knows being hungry isn't fun. In fact, it sucks, believe me, I had to deal with the Depression." The nations glared at this, knowing they all had to deal with the aftermath of the stock market crash. "But just think. What if a superhero came and sprinkle coconuts all over the world? That way-" suddenly Oklahoma's anthem reverberated throughout the room alerting the countries that were barely paying attention to look up to see America grabbing his phone. The younger nation then proceeded to answer it which made the nations collectively groan knowing they would have to wait even longer for him to finish up so they could finally go home. They were curious however and listened in on his conversation and only got bits and pieces that went something like this, "Can't talk...It's in the cabinet...Okay, have you checked Sam's room? Thing's usually disappeared there...Then don't know what to tell you...Okay...Bye...Love you."

"America, who was that?" England asked, thoroughly annoyed with being trapped in this room and country. 

America's eyes uncharacteristically widened and said, "My housekeeper?"

"You tell your housekeeper you love her?" 

"I have a deep connection with my people," America said, staring intently at England until he looked away or dropped the subject.

England rolled his eyes but does say, "Right. Sure. Hurry up and finish."

"For sure," America says. "So as I was saying-" But before he could finish, the oak double doors flew open and in ran two little girls. The first of the girls had short and straight ebony-black hair that was rather messy, large chocolate brown eyes, and sun-kissed skin and one her body she wore a bright red cami dress under a dark orange poncho that split down the middle with the buttons already done and on her feet are brown boots that came to just below her kneecaps with the left shoe's laces hanging loosely that some fear that she could fall from how fast she was going. The second was a girl with similar colored hair but hers hung in long curls that framed her equally tanned skin and her eyes were the color of walnuts and shaped like almond, and on her body, she wore a bright yellow poncho decorated with thick orange lines that covered a majority of her upper body with her torso and legs being concealed by a long blue skirt and tall black boots similar to the first girl and around her neck was a silver crucifix with a turquoise gem glinting in the light. 

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