Another World Meeting

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(America's going to be very OOC but you'll find out why soon enough)

The air in the meeting hall was as thick as molasses as everyone uncomfortably squirmed around the seats, a rare silence was hanging over them like a plastic bag. Even Italy Veneziano was silent for once, as they just waited. Now, what were they waiting for? Well, someone to address the elephant in the room but no one wanted to. Everyone was pretending it didn't exist as they focused on something else. England was stirring his tea with an absent mind, his eyes focused on the monotonous task. Greece, for once not asleep, was rubbing his cat's back with an absent mind. Germany was reorganizing his papers for the twentieth, I'm sorry, the hundredth time. The Netherlands looked far more dazed than usual and was actually smoking his pipe with Belgium trying to ease him by patting him on the arm. France was...being France with far less enthusiasm today. Italy was quietly eating pasta and Romano was glaring at everyone who dared to glance at him. Next to him, was Spain who was glaring daggers into America who was for once quiet as who was for once rather serious in this matter. The only ones who seemed to be normal were Russia, who was smiling in a rather creepy but cute manner and China who was just so done with these kids. 

This continued for the next few minutes until Germany stood up and loudly coughed to attract the attention of the nations with most glaring that he interrupted their tasks. Germany, quite used to reactions like this, took a deep breath and said in an agitated but controlled tone, "I believe that as a group we need to address the elephant in the room." Everyone looked away. "America's...kin-states." America visibly flinched. "So, that will be our first order of business. Whether or not we meet these 'states." He finishes but America instead stands up and slams his fist on the wooden table in a fit of anger many countries, even Russia and China had never known he possessed. 

"Um...Excuse me these are my babies, we're talking about so what the hell man!" America demanded of the attendance, his blues eyes peering into the people around.

Germany stood up and said, "America this is completely inappropriate-"

"Oh shut up! If it comes to protecting my angels, I don't care what's appropriate or not," America growled before being pulled into his chair by an invisible hand that he was fighting against. 

"We allow you to speak but first, we need to address this issue," Germany said, trying to calm the agitated father who looked like he was five seconds from marching over to Germany and tossing him out of the window. And knowing that he could, made Germany slightly afraid but not enough to break his concentration on the task. "As we have recently come to discover, the United States of America is not only a-a," he takes the time to collect himself, "father." 

"I still can't believe that," China said pointing at America who was glaring at the ancient country, "decided to reproduce."

"Well, at least I don't censor everything for my kids," America smugly says.

"It's totally true," Hong Kong said from across the table as he rolled his eyes.

"Quiet, Hong! I swear no respect for elders anymore," China said before Germany cleared his throat.

"Well, America, you must admit the prospect of you even knowing the process in which children are created is strange, to say the least," Germany replied. God, why wasn't there a bar around her?

America leaned back in his chair his already scarily unusual scowl deepening as he stared at Germany, "Is it because I'm not a sad sack like you guys all the time? Do you just assume that because I'm cheery that I'm stupid?" 

Germany tried to maintain his face, but this side of America was rather disturbing. If he was going, to be honest, he'd rather have the overly goofy and smug America than this one. This one was...unnerving. I guess America was a superpower, but still. He looks around the room to see that everyone was staring at the American with wide eyes, including England whose mouth was hanging wide open that it was amazement he wasn't catching flies. Pretty impressive actually. 

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