The Sunflower State and the Nascar Boys

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The nations stared at the girl in the middle of sunflowers who had her back turned away from them as she calmly pruned the sunflowers and tucked them into the wicker basket that was dangling from her arm and hummed a little tune to distract her while she cleaned up her garden, not seeming to notice that the countries that were standing behind the wooden fence surrounding her and her flowers. For the countries, it was rather awkward just staring at a girl who seemed to be around sixteen years of age at most. They then turned towards the older state, who was also staring blankly at her sister, in hopes that she might be able to tell her that they were there or lead them to another part of the garden where there was a state who was more receptive to them. However, to the countries' displeasure, she continued to focus her attention on the plants. Hasn't America taught any of these states manners?

"I know you're there," the female state said as glanced over her shoulder at the gathered nations. She then put a final sunflower in her basked before she walked out of the tall, golden-petaled flowers and outside the gate with her basket still in hand. "It's nice to finally meet y'all, I'm Dorothy Jones, the State of Kansas," the state said as she made a small nod of her forehead as a gesture of greeting.

"Dorothy?" Germany asked, vaguely remembering an American book where the main character shared the name. 

At this Kansas stared at him with annoyance before taking a deep breath before saying in a low tone, "Yes I know what you're thinking and no you are also not the first one to realize that." 

"Oh, um," Germany began, but Kansas looks over at the others who had gathered together.

"Continuing on, I want to welcome ya'll to the Fifty States Estate," Kansas says with a kind, bright smile.

"Aw, thank you bella!" Italy said. "Aren't you a pretty thing?"

Kansas gave a small laugh while playing with the edge of her denim sleeve and said, "Oh no. Not really but I do appreciate the compliment, sir."

Italy squealed at that and grabbed the teenaged states to give her a bone-breaking hug. "Aw! Don't say that!"

"Italy, put her down! Can't you see she's suffocating?" Germany cried and Italy looked a the state to see that she was indeed turning blue and was on the verge of fainting from the lack of oxygen. Not wanting to die due to America's shotgun dadism, Italy promptly set her onto the grass where she promptly took in deep, heavy breath while holding her head. 

Italy reached out to grab her in case she fell over but she just held out the hand as she continued to breath heavily. "Mi dispacie. Are you alright?"

Kansas looked over at the Italian country and smiled, "It's okay, Mr. Italy. I'm a state." With that  she let go of the gate she had been holding and stood up. "See already fine."

Italy smiled and said, "I'm so happy, bella! I hope we can be friends."

"Me too," Kansas replied.

England was the next to step foward, catching the fact that she had called Italy by his name despite him never telling her his name. It was rather strange if you were to ask him. "Young lady, how did you know who Italy was?"

Kansas turned her gaze away from the bubbly Italian who was prattling on and on about something that England and the other countries could barely decipher. "Well, Pa talks about ya'll all the time," Kansas started.

"Good things I hope," Ukraine says in a sweet voice.

Kansas gives a shaky smile but says, "Sure, let's go with that. Also, he used words that I recognize New York, New Jersey, and Illinois using from time to time and since Mr. Romano taught them when he lived here." 

YOU HAVE WHAT!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon