chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kendara spent the rest on the day in the zen room, and most of the night. By the time she had assest the situation, she was almost nodding off. so she collected her bag and walked to her room. Theo was already fast asleep and kendara felt like a zombie, so she flung off her shoes, threw her bag onto a chair and went to sleep within seconds.

Theo didn't want to wake kendara, she knew she had had a rough night, but it was 7;30, kendara had missed her morning training and her meditation time with the new boy, she was now going to be late for 1st period as well. But it had been a long time since kendara had slept this soundly. theo decided to leave her a note, and excuse her from class for the rest of the day. After leaving the note explaining her decision on kendra's bathroom mirror theo rushed off to class.

The sun was so warm on kendaras face, it melted away the coldness her shadows alwaye left. She stretched out to absorb more of it. She cracked her eyes open and then panicked because, why was she still asleep? when the sun was awake, and why hadn't theo woken her for class? and what had she missed out on? Kendara jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, there was a note on her bathroom mirror, it read,  “kendara, i left you sleeping because you need to rest, i’ve excused you from class for the remainder of the day, PS; don't leave our room, i will sneak you food.” below it was another one, “Its lunch, you're still asleep, there is food on the desk.” as well as a smiley face. How lucky kendara was to have a roommate who was so nice. Although the thought of a day of doing nothing terrified her kendara remembered her military book somewhere on her desk and immediately perked up. She splashed her face, left the bathroom and sat on her fuzzy black desk chair to start hunting for her book, she found it under a magical history assignment that was only half completed, and due a month ago. Grabbing her lunch off theos desk she went and cuddled under her duvet for a day of reading.

Kendara opened the box of food and found that inside was a slice of pizza and a cupcake as well as  a note said “theo let me choose the food -j.” kendara let out a bitter laugh, of couse this fool of a boy would somehow find a way to involve himself. The smell of the pizza made her mouth water and kendara realized that she had never tasted it before, she had grown up at the academy and had always just eaten whatever her brother told her too, but then they somehow got into different friend groups and kendara just stuck to the things he used to tell her to eat. She lifted the pizza up and oil ran down her fingers, it made her slightly nauseous but she guessed that humans eat like this all the time so she better get used to it. kendara bit into the pizza. There was an explosion of flavor in her mouth, she could taste the cheese, the dough, the tomato past and even some kind of meat that she had never tasted before. It was amazing. The slice was gone before she had time to really appreciate it. Looking over to the clock kendara saw that it was 2 pm, she had just missed theo. Ken thought about eating the cake now, but decided to save it for later. It would be at least 3 hours before theo could sneak her more food. With a full stomach kendara settled down and began to read her new book. The day flew by and in no time at all kendara had finished her new book, and her head was buzzing with the new information. She needed to move, she had enjoyed being cooped up all day but now she was restless. So she lifted both her and theos desk chairs onto thier beds and she moved theos esel from in front of the window to in the corner where it wouldn't be knocked over. With a space now cleared on the floor kendara started to stretch out her score muscles, starting with her legs and working her way up. kendara could feel the tension release. After stretching she moved on to her exercise routine, a combination of push ups, sit ups, burpees and squats, by the time she was done she was sweaty and out of breath. Just as kendara was making her way towards the sower her bedroom door opened. kendara froze.

thinking she had been busted and already trying to come up with a defence, but a second later she saw that there was nothing to worry about. well almost nothing, theo stepped into the room, followed by jackson. kendara just stared at him, boys were not allowed in girls rooms, “you can’t be here.” she blurted.

“Im here to deliver a message.” he said, ignoring her earlier comment. “You and i have been summoned to the headmistresses office during supper this evening.”

“oh,” kendara was caught off guard, she hadn't expected this,

“You should probably shower first,” suggested jackson tacking in her disheveled appearance.

“And you need to find appropriate clothes.” theo added.

Jackson nodded, “well i should go get myself ready.” he said, and without another word left the room.

Kendara gave theo a confused look, “Why is he so annoying?” she sighed as she flopped down onto her bed, “I don't know, he does seem familiar though.”

“Familiar how?”

“Im not sure, like ive met him before, when i was living with the humans.”

“That's strange, maybe he’s just not that much of a unique person so every other generic human is like him.”

Theo scrunched up her face, “What?”

“Nevermind, help me get ready.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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