3. Polka Dot Wallet

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As I'm detangling the straps on my purse, Lana shares her plans on our way to work. What? I was rushing this morning and yet... I'm on time. 

"My parents haven't let me settle in. They're flying out this weekend."

"That sounds nice. I've never met them before." I adjust the bag over my shoulder. "What are they like? Hyped up like you?" I tease.

"Very supportive." She proudly smiles at the cracks in the sidewalk. "My #1 cheerleaders. They were even talking about moving out here to be closer to me." She looks over as bright pink lipstick frames her white teeth.

"Well, you were hyping up London before we got here. Oh!" Me and Lana part ways as a man walks between us. Ugh, I hate when people do that. Lana and I both share a mug of disgust as we look back.

"Rude ass." She flips her black hair to reset herself. "Yes, I have. And I know they would love it. I wouldn't mind them coming." She shrugs, watching the passing black taxis. I watch as well, missing the bright yellow ones back home.

"So you're staying?"

"I feel like I belong here." She looks up to the dew misted trees as we stroll down the even-tempered streets. Her hand raises as if she can reach the leaves above. "It's such a vibe."

"I miss the sun sometimes."

"I love the rain." Lana defends her preference.

From time to time, I feel my mood is determined by the skies. Rain doesn't necessarily mean sadness. Rain brings me tranquility and renewal. The sun brings me energy and optimism. The view of this overcast day relaxes me. Since I got here, there have been many of these days. Maybe that's why I've settled in quite nicely.

"Then, you're in the perfect place." I open Tim Horton's door for her. 

I hear this Tim Horton's is new and the only one in the area. Thank god. I can't imagine starting my day without it. The consoling aroma of the fresh brews gives a sense of my New York routine.

"How do you feel about London Town? I have a feeling you like it." She spins inside, holding the door for me now. 

"It's lovely." I nod, securing the third spot in line.

"Your punctuality to work seems to be the largest beneficiary." As she shades, I mock a laugh.

"Ha ha ha. Leave me alone." I cross my arms as I read through the overhead menu.

"I actually have an appetite. Do you want to grab something and sit in?" Lana asks as we reach the counter, soon for her to sit her purse upon it.

"Sure. I'll have the homestyle oatmeal."

"Okay, and can I have two sausage breakfast sandwiches and two Original Blend coffees." Lana orders the coffee I forgot. Didn't I just say I can't start my day without it? How could I forget so fast?

"Together?" The teen at the register queries as I grab my wallet


"I got it." Lana offers, trying to pinch my purse together, so I can't pay. I flick her fingers away.

"Don't worry about it." I swipe my debit card after receiving our total.

"Thanks... I guess." She jokes, placing her purse back over her shoulder. I reach into the side pocket of mine as my phone rings. Excusing myself, I say,

"I'll grab the table."

"Cool." Lana stays at the counter to wait for our order.

"Hey, Ella. What's up?" I weave around tables, hipsters and suited businessmen trying to find a table with a little privacy. I finally find one by a window.

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