Chapter 23~Carnivaaaaalll!!

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Chapter 23~Carnivaaaaalll!!






One Long Month Later~

Mirabelle's POV

I turned over in my bed, too absentminded to open my eyes as I rolled onto somebody. From the feel of his nice hard abs and his little 'friend' that was poking my thigh, I immediately knew who it was.

"Well goodmorning beautiful." Collin whispered as I opened my eyes and looked at him before smiling.

"Goodmorning handsome." I whispered back as we both started laughing. There was no point in us whispering since the walls are soundproof and are very thick.

"So what are we going to do today, my gorgeous little bunny?" He asked as I sat up, still on top of him.

"I heard the carnival is in town again today. We can go and have fun while bringing everybody with us." I smiled as he nodded.

"I like your idea. Now before we do anything, lets go shower because you're making me horny again." He mumbled the last part as I laughed and hopped up off of him.

After we took us a long shower, since he kind teased me, we dried off and dressed in some casual clothing. I had on a pair of dark denim shorts with a white fitting camisole on. Collin had on a pair of brown khakis with a black and white tank top on. We both were wearing black and white converses since being at the carnival means we'll most likely be running.

We left my room and went and knocked on Alyssa's door as she slowly came to the it, yawning when she opened it.

"Morning." She answered with a yawn as I smiled at her.

"Would you like to come to the carnival with us?" I asked as she smiled lazily at me.

"Sure, I'll be down in a few minutes." She yawned again before closing the door as we went to Delilah's room.

Sebastian opened the door before we could even knock.

"I felt your presence." He simply shrugged as if he had answered the question that I was thinking in my head.

"Um...would you and Delilah like to go to the carnival with us?" I asked totally thrown off.

"Sure. We'll be down soon." He nodded while slipping back into the darkness of their room as I looked at Collin, a little weirded out by Sebastian already.

"I'm sure he was just playing. He probably heard you knocking on Alyssa's door." He smiled as if trying to throw me off even more.

"I guess. Lets go get everybody else." I sighed while running my hand through my hair.

We woke up the triplets and basically told them we were going to the carnival. We invited Betty and Mrs Owens also.

I stepped away to make an important phone call.

"So are you coming?" I asked into my cellphone as Austin laughed.

"Of course! I'm not leaving my baby by herself." He chuckled while referring to Alyssa.

If only he knew the meaning behind his words.

"Yeah yeah. See you there, lover boy." I quickly hung up before quickly thinking of something as I phoned one of my geeky friends.

"Hello?" He asked as I smiled. He didn't sound as nerdy as he was back than but puberty hit him hard and he became a man instantly. Even though he was two to three years older than me.

"Edward, do you think you can come to the carnival with us today?" I asked while crossing my fingers, hoping he'd said yes.

"Sure, why not. I have nothing planned for today anyway." He answered as I was jumping up and down like a school girl.

"Okay good. You still have your equipment, right?" A sudden idea popped into my head.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

"I have some work to do, so bring it and also look handsome." I added before hanging up.

"Lets go!" I cheered as everybody had finally came down the stairs dressed in appropriate summer clothes. Betti looked way younger than us, even though she was two to three years older than us.

After we packed three to four people to a car, we were off towards downtown.

Me, Delilah, and Alyssa were singing to 'Shower by Becky G' while Sebastian just shook his head and smiled.

Sadly, Collin was paired up with the triplets, while Mrs Owens and Betty had a car to themselves.

Once we had all parked and bought our tickets, we hurried into the huge crowd that were pushing and making their way towards the Ferris wheel.

"Babe! Wait up!" Collin shouted over the loud crowd as I smiled and grasped his hand.

"Lets just hold off on the Ferris Wheel for a second and go get on another ride." I smiled as he nodded.

The entire time we were there, I always heard the clicking of a camera. I knew he would be near.


Alyssa's POV

I nervously looked over at Austin who was smiling. It was now or never.

"Austin. There's something I want to tell you." I whispered while softly squeezing his hand as he turned and looked at me with the same smile on his face.

"What is it, baby girl?" He asked as I sighed and stared at him before taking a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant. I'm about two to three months now." I sighed as his smile never left his face.

"Really?! So that means that we only have six to seven months left until we get to see the baby?" He asked as I nodded slowly, confused by why he's still smiling.

"You're not mad? You don't feel like you want to abandon me?" I asked while staring at him as he shook his head.

"No, I'm not mad. Im actually happy even though this baby isn't mines, I will consider him or her to be my child. And no, instead of the feeling of abandoning you, I feel the need to protect you. I love you for you." He whispered the last part while pecking my lips softly as I smiled.


Sorry again for the late update. I would've updated yesterday but I sat in the hospital for fours hours.

So what do you all think Mira's up to?

Also, I was in a rush to finish this part, so goodbye.

I'll update soon again.


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