13~ Lingering Presence

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| words used : 345|


L I N G E R I N G   P R E S E N C E

You can never be free.

There is always a force around you.


An unknown force,

A powerful motive,

Lingering around you.


You succumb it within,

As it envelops around you,

Ecstasy rushes through your blood,

As it rises with you.

You run along hand in hand,

Achieving goals with this magic wand.

Your heart yearns

For the bursting bubbles of joy.

Your mind learns

This memory of your life.


An unknown force,

A powerful motive,

Lingering around you.

💠 🌹💠

Forcing you down.

As it tightens around you,

Fighting for a breath,

It choking your lungs,

Drowning you down,

As you try to run away.

Don’t desire to be alone,

Yet am the most lone.

My heart aches

For an unsung law,

My mind unrest

From an unsure gnaw.


Life is like a dangerous shell,

With untold dangers like from hell.

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