23~ Your Faithful Admirer

36 19 100

Note: the updated and edited version of this poetry is now available in my newer poetry collection "When Nature Beckons You". If you want to read the first draft, you are free to ❤️

| words used : 503|



The whites up above,

Shows hands of a tiny infant,

A want for me to reach towards them,

Oh I see a horse now,

It turns to a dragon,

Then there are fishes,

Oh joy! I’d just stare all day..

These clouds forming wishes,

Unyielding from my unconscious,

I’d wish those tiny arms someday,

And ride a horse one day,

Touch the scales of a
dragon another day,

These clouds just show me,

A figment of my ecstasy,

When that day comes,

I’ll look above and beyond,

Smile at you,

And thank My Lord.,

These clouds,

An unrelenting companion,

No gives no takes,

Just plain, serene promises,

Of ever giving happiness,

No asks in return.



I see as the sun shines through,

Rays of light breaking free,

Want of catching those rays in my hand,

To feel the warmness seeping within,

Gently melting my heart,

I see now a waterfall,

Falling with white flushes,

All formed by the cloud,

T R A N S P I R E D Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora