Eve: Part 3

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Clint chuckled at Eve Sanborn.  She plodded past the nurses’ station, wobbling on her high heeled shoes from the tense fury that radiated off her in steamy waves.  Whatever Carey said to her really piqued her temper.

She was fit to be hogtied.  Or do some of that hogtying herself.  He kind of enjoyed the way her eyes flickered like blue sparklers when she was mad.  Ironically, it made her seem more approachable than those provocative clothes she wore.  Not that he was looking at the way her jeans almost didn’t cover her rear or that the valley of her cleavage grew more pronounced with every indignant inhale.

Turning to the break room, he bumped into Kenneth, a lab technician and Clint’s disc golf partner.  “Look at her go,” Kenny said, whistling appreciatively.  “I can stare at that ass all day.”

“She’s out of your league,” Clint said, brushing past and reaching out to the coffee maker in desperation.

“I know that,” Kenny said.  “But I can look.  That’s still legal in this state.”

“I wouldn’t know.  I’m a doctor, not a lawyer.”

The coffee was hot and fresh and stronger than a half-ton crocodile.  Just the way Clint like it.  He poured a large cup, inhaling the steam and added a spoonful of sugar.

“You talked to the brother yet?” Kenny asked, nonchalantly.


Kenny picked up a donut from the table, sniffed it, and took a bite.  Pocketing the chunk in his cheek, he looked away and asked, “Did he say if his sister is seeing anyone?”

Clint choked on his coffee, burning his tongue and throat.  “You’ve to be kidding me.  You have seen the woman, right?  She’ll chew you up and spit out the seeds.”

Kenny grinned a sugary grin.  “But what a way to go.”

“Whatever, man.  If you want to go out with her, just ask her.  Going through the bedridden brother isn’t the way.”

“I ain’t got those smooth moves like you,” Kenny complained.  “You give them one little smile, and they’re eating out of your hands.  Speaking of which, whatever happened between you and that cute intern down in maternity?”

Clint frowned into his coffee.  “Marianne…and we’ve parted ways.”

“Oh, yeah?  I thought you two hit it off.”

“She said the M word.”  Clint shuddered.  Marriage.

The last bit of Kenny’s donut froze halfway to his mouth.  Cindy, the head nurse, bustled in during the silence.  “You shouldn’t have slept with her,” she mouthed crassly as she opened the refrigerator for a soda.  Clint winced.  Now, the whole damn hospital would know.

“Whoa,” Kenny said.  “You slept with her?  How long did ya’ll go out?”

Eve: Drink Of Me (F&L Story #2)Where stories live. Discover now