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Dark times were coming, there was no denying that. Everyone knew it, but not everyone accepted it. Aurora knew she wouldn't be able to wallow in self-pity and grief for much longer, she knew she would have to get up and fight. Fight for what is right. Fight for what she believed in. But, most importantly, fight to avenge her father's death. 

Aurora had found herself in the comfort of the Burrow. Remus thought it'd be a good idea for the girl to get out of Grimmauld Place, the entire house was filled with too many things that reminded her of Sirius and she couldn't take it any longer. The fall to depression for her was hard and fast and she knew she had to get out of that house. 

Fred and George insisted she come and stayed with them at their new flat above their joke shop, but she declined and declined constantly, not wanting to be a burden and get in their way; especially, when she was still feeling the effects of her father's death on her shoulders. She had been staying with Remus, but every month for a few days she would spend at the Burrow. A place that felt much more homey than her actual home of Grimmauld Place. 

Fleur Delacour had also been staying at the Burrow for the last few days, something Mrs Weasley wouldn't ever admit peeved her off slightly. However, the youngest Weasley didn't have any problems voicing her annoyance about the French woman staying at their house.

Aurora laid in Fred's bed, the comforting smell of him penetrated her nostrils. Even though he hadn't slept in that bed for months, she could still smell him on the sheets. It was something she was thankful for as it brought her a lot of comfort at night and in the early mornings.

A small knock came from the other side of the door, before Ginny poked her head out. When she noticed Aurora looking up, her hair messy from the tossing and turning she sent her a gentle smile, "Harry's here."

"Already?" Aurora replied, from what she heard the boy wasn't suppose to be coming round until the afternoon however, she couldn't like about the happiness that sentence brought to her. She quickly threw the duvet off her body before shoving her feet into the slippers Mrs Weasley gave her. She grabbed one of Fred's jumpers, quickly shoving it over her head before smoothing it out as she began to follow Ginny into Ron's room where the two girls could hear quiet voices speaking.

"Did Slughorn seen like he'll be a good teacher?" Ron asked.

"Dunno," Aurora heard Harry's voice replying, "He can't be worse than Umbridge can he?"

"I know someone who's worse than Umbridge," Ginny said as she opened the door to Ron's bedroom wider, letting her and Aurora's presence to be known, "Hi, Harry."

"Hi, Ginny," Harry greeted back sending the young red haired girl a smile before his eyes flew to Aurora and he quickly stood up, "Hi," He mumbled before he brought his arms around the black haired girl. 

She sighed in content as she wrapped her arms around her God-brother before they pulled away when they heard Ron's voice, "What's up with you?" He asked looking at his sister.

"It's her," Ginny mumbled, sitting down onto Harry's bed, "She's driving me mad."

"What she done now?" Hermione asked sympathetically.

"It's the way she talks to me. You'd think I was about three!" Ginny exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.  

"I know," Hermione nodded, "She's so full of herself."

Harry looked utterly confused, he shared a look with Aurora who mouthed 'Fleur' to him, yet he was still confused. What would Fleur Delacour be doing at the Burrow? Aurora moved away from Harry as she took a seat besides Ginny.

"Can't you two lay off her for five seconds?" Ron asked looking between the pair.

"Oh, that's right, defend her," Ginny snapped at her brother, "We all know you can't get enough of her."

Before anyone else could say anything the bedroom door, that Ginny had closed once she and Aurora arrived, flew open and a young woman stood in the doorway. She was tall with long blonde hair that flowed gently down her shoulders, reaching halfway down her back. Her blue eyes twinkled with happiness as she looked between everyone. She also held a tray in her hands, one that was filled with a cup of  tea and a plate that were covered in toast and scrambled eggs. 

"'Arry," She said in her thick French accent, "Eet 'as been too long."

As the beautiful woman walked through the doorway, Aurora noticed Mrs Weasley close behind looking rather cross, "There was no need to bring up the tray, I was just about to do it myself."

"Eet was no trouble," Fleur replied, setting the tray down on the bedside table close to where Harry was still standing. She swept down and placed a kiss on both of his cheeks, "I 'ave been longing to see 'im. You remember my sister, Gabrielle? She never stops talking about 'Arry Potter. She will be delighted to see you again."

"Oh," Harry muttered awkwardly, "Is she here too?"

"No, no, silly boy," Fleur said with a small giggle, "I mean next summer, when we.....but do you not know?" Fleur turned her head towards Mrs Weasley.

"We haven't gotten round to telling him yet," Mrs Weasley muttered, her jaw was clenched as she spoke.

The blonde nodded before turning back to look at Harry, her long hair hitting Mrs Weasley across the face as she sputtered, opening her mouth to pull out a long blonde strand of hair. 

"Bill and I are going to be married!"

"Oh," Harry said blankly, "Wow. Er...congratulations."

Fleur smiled widely before she swooped down and kissed his cheeks again, "Bill is very busy as the moment, working very 'ard, and I only work part-time at Gringotts for my English. So, he brought me 'ere for a few days to get to know 'is family properly, I was so pleased to 'ear you would be coming. There isn't much to do 'ere, unless you like cooking and chickens! Well...enjoy your breakfast, 'Arry!" Fleur spoke quickly before she turned around gracefully and floated out of the room, closing the door very quietly behind her before her light and gentle footsteps were heard going down the creaking steps of the Burrow. 

"Mum hates her," Ginny commented when Mrs Weasley let out a frustrated sigh.

"I do not hate her!" Mrs Weasley quickly said, "I just think they've hurried into this engagement, that's all!"

"They've known each other a year," Ron muttered.

"Well, that's not very long! Fred and Aurora have known each other longer but you don't see them rushing into these sort of things!" Mrs Weasley said to Ron, causing everyone to look at Aurora briefly, "I know why this is happening, of course. It's all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing all sorts of decisions they'd normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right and centre--"

"Including you and dad," Ginny interrupted slyly. 

"Yes, well, your father and I were made for each other, like Fred and Aurora, so what was the point of waiting?" Mrs Weasley explained, "Whereas Bill and Fleur.....well....what have they really got in common? He's a hardworking, down-to-earth sort of person, whereas she's--"

"A cow," Ginny said nodding, Aurora sniggered at the comment and send a wink to the young girl next to her, "But Bill's not that down-to-earth. He's a curse-breaker, isn't he, he likes a bit of adventure, a bit of glamour....I expect that's why he's gone for Phlegm."

"Stop calling her that, Ginny," Mrs Weasley said sharply, looking cross at her daughter's words as Hermione, Aurora and even Harry laughed at the name, "Well, I better get your eggs while they're warm, Harry!"

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