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Why do I even try anymore? All I'll ever be is a girl with a fucked-up brain. I'll never be anything. I don't deserve anything, I'm just a nuisance to everyone else.

I'm not significant to anyone, and I never will be. People will try and tell me that they love me, or that they care, but I know they're just saying that to be a good person. To make sure I don't die so they don't have to live with it.

I don't deserve to eat, or be healthy, or be comfortable. I deserve to die a slow and painful death. I don't deserve to have friends. I deserve to be alone, with no one to talk to. I don't deserve to even die, because that will be the end of this suffering. I deserve to live through all of this pain. I deserve to be in a living hell.

I tried to get better, and it worked for a while. But like all good things, it must come to an end, apparently. I started falling again.

Don't bother trying to help, it won't work. I don't deserve it anyways. You guys can read this and feel sorry for me and try to help, if you want. Just know that it won't work.

I wish for my life to come to a close.

I'll try to put on a fake happy face, and it'll work. Inside I'd still be breaking, but who cares anyways? They just want to hear my wisecracks, to make them laugh. They don't want anything to do with who I really am, or what I'm becoming.

In the end, no one cares until you're dead.

No one cares.

No one ever will.

Someone save me from this hole I've dug myself, please. It's so dark and cold, and I don't know how much longer I can stay here.

Save me, please

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