55. A Genius Indeed

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Adam stepped inside first while I stood still outside the door, nervously playing with the hem of my shirt. Spending two days with him in a single room, I could already feel my palms sweating up at that thought.

"Are you coming in or not?" he asked, crossing his arms in front of him. Nodding, I stepped inside and gave a sharp look to my surrounding. A bed large enough for two people, a dressing table, one small fridge, wooden shelf and a set of sofa. There was a door beside the dressing table, probably leading to the attached bathroom.

Sliding my hand into my bagpack, I took my first step towards the bed when the strap of the bag got caught in between my legs. Wobbling, I held myself up with the help of the wall while my bag fell down on the floor, all its contents spread around.

Adam let out a small gasp slash chuckle as his eyes fixated on the floor. I followed his gaze and watched a packet of condoms lying against my notebook. Burning red in embarrassment, I stooped down and hurriedly threw it back in the bag, all the while feeling Adam's amused stare at me.

When I finally met his eyes, I had to bite my lips to stop myself from saying something embarrassing. He was looking down at me smugly, probably judging me for keeping a condom in my bagpack. Sweat drops appeared on my forehead and I fanned myself, after walking past him to the bed.

Making a mental note of killing Sophia in her sleep, I flopped on the bed and rested my head against the headboard of the bed.

Hugging my arms around myself, I watched Adam as he sat down on the sofa. Rubbing his temple, he let out a sigh and then stretched his arms, the sight of his clenched muscles made me drool a little.

"You didn't bring any luggage?" I asked, averting my attention from his muscular forearms. He was probably not prepared for this quiz and I wondered if he will be able to answer any question.

"I'll buy something for tomorrow. There's a market down this road." he said and I nodded, pulling my notebook out of my bag.

Lost in the important points, I lifted my head when I felt his presence beside me. Sitting beside me, he said, "I don't have any book with me."

"Um.. You can study with me.. If you want?" I offered, keeping my facial expressions straight despite the fact that his presence was making my thoughts blurry.

"I guess." he said and scooted closer, until I felt his finger brush against mine, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Here, this is high yield." I said and started reading the crammed material aloud. I kept my eyes on my lap, not wanting to look into his eyes and lost myself once again.

"Give a read to this table." he leaned towards me, putting his finger on the table of genetic codes. I sucked a sharp breath when I felt his breath on the exposed skin of my shoulder. With flushed face, I kept reading the codes aloud, ignoring the rhythmic thumping of my heart.

Using my hair to hide my red face from him, I turned over the page and memorized the Krebs cycle once again.

After a while, it became harder for me to stay focused when his face was just few inches away from mine so I closed the book and after putting it aside, angled my face towards him.

"I. Um.... It's.. I.. ." I tried to form a sentence but my anxious insides stopped me from doing so.

"It's okay." he said, bringing his hand to my arm and patted briefly. "You'll be fine." He probably thought I was panicking because of the quiz. What he didn't know that it's his presence which was playing with the strings of my heart.

After everything he had done, after all the pain he had caused me, a part of me still desired to be with him, to feel his touch, to feel his lips against mine. I was ashamed of myself for wanting him, for ignoring my self respect for someone as detached as him.

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