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     Hi guys! This is the first chapter of my story! The art isn't mine, I'm pretty bad at drawing. Don't worry, this chapter isn't sad at all, it's just that it's hard to find good pictures of Cleril, I don't know why. Enjoy :)

    Clay woke up earlier than usual.  Dawn was pointing in the sky when he left the cave he shared with Sunny.

    Today was a very special day. It was Valentine's day, the day when he would tell Peril he loved her.

    He loved her since he saw her, at Scarlet's palace. It took him time to realize how he felt, to realize he was in love.

   Also, he were a bit chicken. It has been months since he wanted to tell her he loved her, but he was scared. Scared she wouldn't love him back, scared of rejection.

   A few weeks ago, he had summoned all his courage and took his descision. He was going to ask her out on Valentine's day.

   Everything had to be perfect for Peril. He had planned something cool and romantic and simple at the same time.

   First, last weekend, he flew all the way to Possibility, and bought a beautiful bracelet in a Skywing jewelry store. It was made of gold, with small rubies built-in, which would match her scales.

   Next, he asked Turtle to enchant it so it would resist to firescales. He trusted the young Seawing, and he knew Peril did too.

  He stopped to the prey-buffet to eat a cow or two. Clay coudn't work well if he was hungry.

  After that, he flew to the top of the mountain, where he placed down a small table and a candle in the middle.

   His plan was working very well right now.

  The bell rang. He had to go if he wanted to be at his class on time. A teacher coudn't be late.

  His day went well. Sometimes, he saw students of different tribes holding hands, and it made him happy to see that Jade Mountain Academia's goal -help its students to understand the other tribes- had turned out so well.

  It was almost dusk, and Clay was heading to Peril's cave. He reached the entrance, and stopped, nervous.

"C'mon, Clay, you can do this", he told himself. He took a deep breath, then walked in.

  "Hi Peril! I was wondering if you wanted to go on a flight with me".

"NICE! I would love it, when are we going?"

"Now, so we could watch the sunset", he suggested.

"That's SO romantic! Let's GO!", she yelled.

  He followed her to Jade Mountain's entrance, and they flew off in the cold air.

  Not so cold, though, because flying close to Peril was enough to warm him up from horns to tail.

  "Race you to the top!" he told her. She was a Skywing so, of course, she won the race.

  He heard her gasp with surprise when she saw the table, the candle, the present (the bracelet) and the two cows he had caught in the afternoon.

"WOW! You did all of that- fancy stuff for me?" she sounded surprised.

"I don't deserve that, Clay. I'm just a murderer, a dangerous dragon with burning scales".

  Her words made Clay sad. After all the effort he made to help her feel better, to show her her firescales were what made her unique, she still thought like that.

"Hey", he said, then took her burning talons in his. "You are not a murderer, Peril. Your scales are part of you, and it's what makes you different, what makes you special".

"I- Peril, I love you for who you truly are. I might be the only one to see through your firescales, but all I see is kindness".

"You love me?", she stuttered, starled. "Yes, I do, with all my heart. All of this is for you", Clay pointed the table with his wing.

"C'mon, let's eat!", she suggested.

They ate the cows in silence. When they were done, Clay took the present in te middle of the table, then gave it to her.

  "Aw! Thank you so much!", Peril said. As soon as she touched the wrapping paper, it burned down, revealing a small box made of rock.

  Peril opened it and let out a squeal of joy when she saw what was inside.

  "A bracelet! It's so pretty!". She thought for a second. "Can I touch it?".

  "Go on".

  She took it in her claws and slid it on her wrist, then made a surprised face when she saw it wasn't melting down.

  "It's fireproof! THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH"she yelled.

Wow, the bracelet really suited her, the gold showing off the orange of her scales.

"Hum. Wanna watch the sunset?", suggested Clay.


They walked to the edge of the cliff. Then, Clay wrapped one wing around Peril, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

He felt hot, not from the outside, but in the inside.

  Peril was so close to him, and she was happy and it was the only thing that mattered for Clay right now.


"Yes, Clay?"

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"YES! I mean uh, of course! I thought you would never ask!"

"I love you, Peril"

"I love you too."

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