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Hi guys! Please don't skip this chapter because the ship is weird, it's good I promise. It's a request from ThornCarmine  . Fanart's not mine as usual. I hope you'll like it. (Moonbli #2 is next)

Ruby was sitting on her throne. Cliff was on a smaller seat beside her, humming one of his new songs.

She was grinning at her dragonet, drumming her claws on her throne's armrest, about to congratulate him for the nice song he wrote when someone walked in.

"Queen Ruby!", the guard bowed. "The Talons of Peace leader is here!"

"Thank you, Chukar. He can come in."

The pale-red dragon stepped aside to reveal a sky-blue dragon. My moons, he's beautiful, she thought. Uh, what in the moons brain?

The Seawing stepped forward and bowed. "Hi, Queen Ruby. I'm Riptide. Nice to meet you", he spoke, and his voice sent shivers run down Ruby's spine.

"Hello, Riptide. Why are you here?"

He fiddled with his claws. "Well, the Talons of Peace wanted to build a new city in the mountains", he glanced at her, looking for approval on her neutral face. She nodded. "Go on."

"It would be a huge town, with beautiful architecture from every kingdom in Pyrrhia, a place where every dragon, no matter their tribe, could live a peaceful life, a city where we would do our best to keep all the people out of poverty, where every dragon would cohabit and learn from the other tribes, a bit like Jade Mountain," he went on, ranting for a solid ten minutes while Ruby stared at him. There was something in his eyes, the way they glowed as he spoke if his project, like he could already see all the happiness caused by the city that wasn't even built yet. Like if the though of happy and safe dragons was enough to make him happy too. She loved it.

"Queen Ruby? Did you heard me?", she snapped out of her trance. I was staring! Oh my moons did he noticed? she blushed. "N-no, I'm sorry. Can you repeat?"

"It would be my pleasure", he smiled. "As I was saying, Sanctuary worked out so well that we constantly have to expand the city. I wanted to build another city like this but in the Sky Kingdom instead. For that, I need your permission."

"I love the idea", Ruby said, "but I'll need more details. Do you have a plan of the city, or a name for it at least?"

Riptide pulled out a scroll from under his wing. "Let's go to the meetings' room. There's a table, food, drinks and seats. Follow me", Ruby stood up. "Chukar, watch Cliff while I'm gone, please", she asked to the red guard.

Ruby and Riptide walked for a while in the palace, the Queen leading the way as she knew it like the back of her talon.

They finally reached the room. It was one of the highest spires of the castle, as far as possible from the other rooms. That's where the queens' meetings took place every year or so, where Queen Ruby met her council before taking important decisions and where Scarlet used to make battle plans with her ally Burn. The thick stone walls made the room soundproof.

Riptide stepped forward and opened the door. "After you", he grinned at Ruby. She smiled back. Three moons, that was the dumbest smile ever! Argh, Ruby sighed in her head. She walked in, Riptide on her heels.

A huge window took all the space of one wall, and the view was beautiful. You could see all the way to the Mud Kingdom. It was Ruby's favorite place, where she went when she needed to be alone.

"Wow", Riptide said, his jaw dropping to the floor.

"It's beautiful", Ruby declared.

"Just like y- oh nope forget all of that I totally said absolutely nothing!", he said, flustered.

Wings of Fire ships one-shots (REQUESTS CLOSED SORRY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant