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Niamh's pov

We were still here, in this damn room, in this damn school, still talking about this damn dog.

"The six of you attending chapel, praying together, would that be a typical morning?"

"Very good." Michelle snorted.

"He's not joking, Michelle."

"Oh, Christ, fuck no."

"We were just following that stupid dog." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" He asked.

"The dog has nothing to do with anything." Erin stressed.

"Erin's dog died recently and she saw one that sort of looked like him a bit." Clare explained.

"The dog's irrelevant."

"We followed him for a while, this dog." Clare continues.

"The dog and the statue are unrelated."

"And he led us to the chapel." Clare finished.

"The dog led you to the chapel?" Peter asked, he was shocked, but then again who wouldn't be, we all sound high.

"The dog isn't important!" Erin yelled.

"Maybe it is. What if this dog you saw, Erin, what if it didn't simply look like your dog, what if it actually was your dog?" Peter asked.

"Right. Maybe. But as I think we mentioned, Toto's dead. My Aunt saw him be hit by an army Land Rover and buried him in our back garden, so probably not." I explained.

Peter jumped up and grabbed a bible, christ I think I'd rather be in the fucking exam.

"A beloved animal returning from the dead, now, we've seen this before."

"Oooh, ghost dog."

"No, not ghost dog. Resurrected dog! Don't you see? Toto was sent back to lead you to that chapel! To that statue! Because you're special, Erin. You have been chosen."

"Oh, Peter. It's all just so overwhelming." Erin replied.

wow, I have really walked through the looking glass.


"Here's what I find strange. You're all in that chapel every single Sunday, yet this message from on high comes on the very day you happen to have an exam, which I know for a fact you haven't as much as even opened a book for!" Aunt Mary says.

"I find that very strange as well, Mrs Quinn, very strange indeed." Sister Michael replies.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked.

"If you are lying, the pair of you, so help me, Jesus."

"I'm not lying! Swear." Erin yelled.

"Swear on Dolly."

"Orla saw, too!"

"Orla's easily led." Mary scolds.

"Thank you, Aunt Mary." Orla smiles.

"Niamh saw the weeping, she did!"

Thanks Erin, now I sound like a ball bag

"Look, I'm sure you all must have questions." Peter starts.

"I have a question." Sarah said.


"How do you stay in such good shape? Is it exercise? Diet?."

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