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Niamh's pov

"It was difficult, so you've just given up?" Miss De Brún asked us. "You might fail, so why bother trying?

"Exactly. Told you she'd understand." Michelle smiled.

"Have you ever stopped to look at these? These faces from the past. They're not so different from you, really. They had dreams like you do.They had ambitions. But now, they're gone. Dead. Dust."

"That's my auntie Anne third from the left. She's not dead." Clare whispered.


"But she's only 54."

"She runs the mobile library in Ballymagroarty."


"But did they fulfil those dreams, those ambitions? One day, girls, you too will just be an old photograph in a hallway.
You only get one life, don't be afraid to live it. Find your voice. Make your mark."



We were now out on the field with Miss De Brún, we all had bats and she was holding baseballs.

"Dig deep, something you hate, something you despise. No holding back.
Come on! Get it out!" She yelled.

"Injustice!" Erin roared.


"Prejudice!" Clare shouted.

"Good! This is good!

"Mass!" Michelle said.

"Come on!"

"Hangovers." I shout.

"Same here." Miss De Brún yells.

"My own socks!"


"Being late for school!"

Would be fucking Jenny

"Piano lessons!"

"The fact that people here use the word "wee" to describe things that aren't even actually that small!"

"God, but I love that accent, James!"

Aye, me too Miss, me too.


We'd all now started wearing eyeliner, in the way that Miss De Brún did, even fucking James. We were strutting through the halls without a care in the world, with people looking left, right and centre. We. Looked. Good. Well, good until Sister Michael stood in front of us.


We were currently on out way to Miss De Brún's house, because why the fuck not. Best part was, I was holding James's hand on the way there.

"Miss De Brún's amazing. I've just never met anyone like her." Erin smiled.

"She's an inspiration." James replied.


"She really knows how to grab things by the balls." Michelle said.

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