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this flashback was inspired by katilusak14 brilliant idea. hope you like it <3

also, i want to encourage all of you to watch the video i have attached above... i'm sure most of you have seen it because it almost has half a million views, but i just watched it for the first time and nearly shed a tear. it's beautiful and i miss auslly so much, its actually insane. okay, enough of me babbling, go ahead and start reading. enjoy <3

Back to the Beginning | 3.5 |
| Saturday: December 27th, 2014 |

"I swear to god, if mom or dad gets a call from either of you about doing something stupid while you're drunk, I'm never supplying the two of you alcohol ever again," Riker says, heading towards the front door of Laura's house.

"Come on, man. Lighten up, I've been drunk plenty of times before." Ross pats Riker on the back. "It's this newb you've got to worry about." He points to Laura behind his shoulder. She rolls her eyes at him.

"Please be responsible." Riker's says for the millionth time. "I'm not kidding." He turns around to face the two. "Don't drink enough to get alcohol poisoning, don't leave the fucking house, and don't do anything stupid." Now he's just repeating his words from earlier when he set the paper bags down onto the island counter when he first got there some minutes ago.

"Riker, we know. We're nineteen years old, we're not idiots." Laura tells him. Technically Ross isn't nineteen until Monday, but he's been saying he's nineteen all week so they all let it slide. "You can go now." She motions for him to open up the front door that's two feet behind Riker.

"Remember to eat lots of food, too. Drinking on an empty stomach is a disaster." He says. "Do you have bread? That's always good food to eat while you're drinking." Ross shoves his brother hard.

"Dude, we're fine. You don't need to baby us." Riker bites on the inside of his lip. He knows they're old enough to make good decisions, but he can't help it. They're still young and Ross has made some not-so-good decisions in the past when he was drunk, so he's only looking out for the two of them.

"Mom's going to text and call the two of you all night so please answer her. Ellen said she'll be calling you guys before they go to bed, too. Make sure you pick up. They weren't so happy with your stupid ass plan of yours, especially since they're across the country." Damiano and Ellen flew to New York yesterday to spend a couple of weeks there with Ellen's sister. Laura was originally going to go when they made the plans a couple of months ago, but they'd be in New York still when her second semester started up at school and she didn't want to miss the first week of classes. Plus, she'd miss Ross' birthday and New Year's Eve with him so she opted to stay home alone.

"Got it. Answer the parental's accordingly." Laura says with a head nod. "Anything else?" She asks.

"Don't. Be. Stupid." Ross chuckles at his brother's words. "Be safe. I'll call you guys bright and early tomorrow to see how you're feeling." Riker puts on a teasing smile.

"Thanks." Laura sarcastically responds. Riker's laughs and opens the front door.

"Love you both, don't be idiots." Ross and Laura mumble a love you back, thanking him once again for the alcohol as he walks down the driveway to his uncle's car that he borrowed. "Lock the door!" He shouts after them. Ross rolls his eyes, shuts the front door, and locks it.

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