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Back to the Beginning | 23.5 |

| March 20th, 2016 |

Laura can't help the huge smile on her face as the couple kn the movie gets engaged. Right now she's in California visit f the Lynch family for her spring break. This time around, the boys and Rydel moved into a band house, so staying with them has been different.

"How do you imagine your perfect proposal going?" Ross asks. Laura looks at him. They're laying in Ross' bed, it's past midnight, and they're watching another movie that they haven't seen. She furrows her eyebrows.

"Ross, I'm single." He rolls his eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock. I'm talking about when you have a boyfriend. How do you imagine him proposing to you." She thinks for a second.

"Are you planning on proposing to Courtney and want my opinion?" She asks.

"What? No way, bug. You know I don't believe in that marriage shit." Now she's really confused.

"Then why are you asking me?"

"Because I know you want to get married." She sighs and looks up at the ceiling. "Come on, I know you've put thought into this. You used to fantasize about your proposal and your wedding." She chuckles.

"Yeah, when I was like twelve." He chuckles. "I don't really think I have an ideal proposal." She admits. "I mean, I definitely want my boyfriend to ask my parents first, and maybe you and your brothers. I know you want what's best for me and if you see a red flag I want to know." Ross smiles. "I guess I want him to propose somewhere where we have a memory together. Like... if we had a fun date or night out at the park or something, I'd want him to propose there." She starts. "And I want both our families there to celebrate and take pictures."

"Do you want him to make a big cheesy speech before proposing?" She can't help but laugh.

"I don't know. I love the cheesy stuff, but I feel like I want him to keep it short and sweet. Take me by surprise, you know? I don't want him to take five minutes to finally get down on one knee and I'm crying too much to enjoy the sight of him actually on one knee. Because trust me, my man on one knee is going to be a sight to see."

"I'm sure your man would say the same thing about you." She shoves him.

"Gross, Ross." She mumbles.

"Hey, I'm just speaking from experience. Seeing you on one knee was definitely a sight to see. Both knees are better, but you take what you can get." She shoves him harder.

"You have a girlfriend." He rolls his eyes. "How come you don't believe in marriage, Ross?" She already knows the answer to her question, but she's asking anyway because every time they talk about it she doesn't understand why. It's not like Ross has bad examples of marriages in his family. His parents have an extremely happy marriage, his uncles and aunts all have happy marriages, and so do his grandparents.

"You already know, buggy. We've had a shit ton of conversations on why I don't believe in marriage." She sighs. "Marriage is stressful. When you're married, you're sharing your success, which is great and all of you actually work out, but if you get a divorce then half of your money, that I worked my ass off for, automatically goes to them. That's stupid." Laura frowns. "And people are users. I don't want a user in my relationship who's cheating on the side. That's humiliating for me." He has valid points.

"Any relationship is stressful, though." She quietly says. "And you can sign papers the ensure your money goes to you." He sighs. "I think you're just scared of commitment, Ross." He rolls his eyes now.

"I'm not scared of commitment. I've been with Courtney for a year."

"Do you see yourself moving in together?" She asks him.

"Not anytime soon." He tells her.

"Do you see yourself with her in ten years?" She asks.

"As of right this second, yes." He admits. "But things change, who knows if we'll actually be together in ten years." Ross is a very live in the moment kind of guy. He doesn't like to dwell in the past and predict for the future. It's all about today.

"You're lame, Ross." He doesn't respond. "Don't you want kids?" Ross sighs.

"You don't need to be married to have kids, bug." The frown comes back on her face.

"But what if your girlfriend wants to be married before having kids?" He looks at her.

"If we don't want the same things then it's not meant to be."

"But what if they're your soulmate?"

"Soulmates doesn't have to mean lovers. You're my soulmate, buggy. We're not lovers." She smiles.

"Glad you think that way. I was gonna kick your ass." He laughs lightly.

"I'm sure you were." They go back to watching the movie. When the wedding scene happens in the movie, Laura looks back at him.

"You seriously don't want to get married?" He groans. "Look how beautiful that is! You don't want a huge celebration like this?"

"Dude, I don't complain about the fact that you want to get married, so stop complaining about the fact that I don't want to get married." She sucks in her lips. He was getting pissed off at her. "It shouldn't even matter, buggy. It's not like we're marrying each other."

"Does Courtney want to get married?" She asks softly.

"I don't know, we don't really talk about marriage and babies." Living in the moment.

"Do you think it'd be weird to ask you to be my maid of honor for my future wedding?" He scrunches up his nose.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"You're my best friend, I want you by my side when I get married. Do you think that would be weird if I had a guy as my maid of honor? Rydel would be one of my bridesmaids." He gives her a smile.

"It's your big day, you can do whatever you want. And I would love to be standing by your side." She smiles. "Can we finish the movie now?" He asks.

"Yeah." They both look back at the movie just as the newly married couple kisses. "I can't wait to be a bride one day."

• i bet you can guess what chapter is next... hope you liked this! don't forget to vote, comment something sweet and follow me! love you, babes <3 •

 hope you liked this! don't forget to vote, comment something sweet and follow me! love you, babes <3 •

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p.s. this is the last flashback ever :(

- rydelly_belly <3

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