Chapter Thirty-Four: Behaving Badly

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Behaving Badly

Opening my eyes from my blissful slumber, I sigh at the warmth that I am encased in. Arms tighten around me and for a moment I have a freak out about who is laying behind me before I realise that I am lying in Gabriel’s room.

“Morning.” His husky voice resonates through the silent room.

“Hey.” I whisper back sinking into his chest.

“How you feeling?” He asks, rolling me over so I am placed underneath him.


“We have a free house, you know what that means.” He laughs wriggling his eyebrows.

“The only person you’re going to be having sex with is yourself, idiot.” I smile up at him.

“I never mentioned anything about sex but if you’re bringing up the topic I’m not opposed to it.” Winking at me I laugh pushing him off me and rolling off the bed.

“Only happening in your dreams loser plus I’m going out with Maddi today.” Chuckling at his fallen face I walk out of the room and towards my own eager to meet up with Maddi.

“If you need help in the shower I’m willing to help!” Gabriel yells from his room.

“Only in your dreams.” I yell back catching the sound of his groan as I close my room door to get ready.

Grabbing a grey pair of shorts and white shirt I walk into the bathroom running a hot shower and jumping in. I stand under the stream of water thinking about the past two weeks and the rollercoaster ride it has been. Laughing at the fact that I had lost the bet with Violet, I’m slightly relieved at the fact that she won’t be announcing it in the cafeteria.

Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dry myself off and pull my hair into a messy bun before applying a light layer of foundation and mascara on my face. Walking out of the bathroom I see Maddi sprawled out on my bed, hearing the sound of the door open she turns her head in my direction sitting up.

“God how long do you want to shower for?” She asks as I sit down next to her, tying my shoe laces.

“As long as I wanna.” I comment in a childish tone making her roll her eyes.

“How old are you?” She sticks her tongue out pulling me off the bed and out of the room.

“I’m too young for you perv!” I yell as I’m dragged down the stairs ignoring the looks that Callum and Harley throw me.

“What son?” I stop walking puffing my chest out making them laugh.

“Keep walking speedy.” Harley comments as they continue down the hall.

“Yeah hurry up we have a full day together.” Maddi celebrates as we near her car.

“And what exactly are we doing together, you never clarified.” I question as she speeds out of the driveway.

“We’re gonna get breakfast and this cute café.” She starts in a dreamy voice.

“And then you’re going to tell me what the fuck is happening between Gabriel and yourself.” She commands sending me a quick glare before focusing on the road.

Proving The Bad Boy Wrong (Complete & Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora