Part 4

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Their eyes met for a second, deep chocolate brown against passionate blue ones. They really couldn't be any closer. Tina hastily got up, blushing.  She brushed a thin layer of dust from the floor off her pajama pants.

"I'm so sorry, Newt," Tina said.

"Oh, not a problem at all," Newt replied, rather quickly. He looked away. She really is beautiful, he thought. Even with slightly dusty pajamas. Speaking of dusty, I should probably clean this place up.

"I just wanted to, um, say I'm sorry. I'm just, um..." She was at a loss for words. She wasn't very comfortable with humans, but then again, neither was Newt. Also, she kept getting distracted by his curly reddish-brown hair. Mercy Lewis! She mentally facepalmed herself.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have backed away like that. If you want me to be with you, I will," he said, softly. Tina was genuinely appreciative. Never in her life had someone been so kind to her, given her a place to stay and a shoulder to cry on, and been an overall amazing person. (Except maybe Queenie. Then again, Queenie could get annoying more often than not, and Newt seemed to never get annoying, or annoyed.) She smiled. 

"I should probably get changed. I can't walk around in my pajamas all day, can I," she said. 

"Oh yes, of course. I should probably finish making this tonic for my erumpent, too," he added. Without thinking, he put his arms around her and gave her a small hug. Tina's eyes widened, then crinkled happily. She hugged him back, and for a couple of seconds, they enjoyed the feeling of each other's touch. She gently pulled away, and they both got on with what they were supposed to be doing.

Tina collapsed on her bed. Her head was pounding but in a good way, not like when she had headaches. She had enjoyed that embrace, very much. One little part of her brain wanted it to be more, the part that wasn't thinking about Achilles, but the rest was trying to convince her it was just truly platonic. Because that's what friends do, hug each other, right? While she was thinking, she picked out an outfit. She picked out what she normally wore, a crisp button-down shirt and black slacks, but for some reason, she wanted to look nice for Newt (again) so took extra care to make sure she looked immaculate. 

They were all enjoying breakfast when an owl swooped in from the window. Nagini quickly untied the letter from its talons. She read it out loud.

To whom it may concern,

The Ministry of Magic and MACUSA have decided to join forces in protecting our countries from Grindelwald and his acolytes. MACUSA is aware that a couple of their aurors are in Europe and specifically Britan, and will be sending along a couple more. As will the Ministry. If you wish to apply for this job, there are fifteen spots open. 


Madam President Seraphina Picquery, Minister Hector Fawley

"That was a rather abrupt letter, wasn't it?" Nagini remarked.

"It was. I'm going to apply," Tina said.

"Really?" Jacob and Newt asked at the same time.

"Yes, of course, I'm an auror who needs a job. I can't be an auror without a job," Tina said.

"Yes, of course. Do you need me to show you how to get into the Ministry?" Newt asked.

"Oh yes, that would be wonderful!" Tina smiled. Nagini and Jacob looked at each other and rolled their eyes. 

They finished their breakfast and pulled their coats on. Thick gray wool for Newt, shiny navy leather for Tina. They apparated to a dismal alleyway near the Ministry entrance. 

"Where is it?" Tina asked. She looked around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Newt beckoned her to a broken down red phone booth. They fit, but they were very close together. 

"Why exactly are we crammed into a phone booth?" Tina asked, slightly annoyed.

"You'll see," Newt replied. He typed in a string of numbers, 62442. Suddenly, a voice popped out of nowhere. 

"State your name and business," the voice said.

"Porpentina Esther Goldstein, here to apply for the Ministry/MACUSA auror job," Tina said in a clear voice.

"Newt Scamander, visiting," Newt added. Two silver buttons popped out with what they had just previously said on them. Then, they felt a creaking underneath their feet, and it turned into an elevator of sorts and led them down into the atrium. They asked a receptionist where to go, she just handed Tina a form to fill out. While she was working on the form, Newt saw someone. Someone ever so familiar. It was his brother, Theseus. 

"Hey, Newt. What are you doing here?" Theseus asked. Theseus Newt pointed to his badge, then Tina.

"Tina is applying for the Ministry/MACUSA auror job here," Newt answered.

"Oh! Hello, Tina. There's no need to fill out that form, just come to my office and I'll interview you." Theseus said.

"Really? That would be great!" Tina was ecstatic. If she could show how well she was as an auror she could get the job. They walked to a neat and tidy office. Newt took a seat in one of the chairs in the corner, and Tina sat in the chair at the desk. Theseus took a seat after. Tina looked back at Newt and he mouthed good luck. 

The interview went very well. Theseus hired her on the spot. (Truth be told, he had also gotten a recommendation from Madam President Seraphina Picquery.) Walking through the atrium, Tina couldn't stop beaming. Her job was one of the only parts of her life where she displayed outward emotion in public. But people were also staring at the newfangled American auror who wore her hair quite short and kept company with the famous Newton Scamander. 

"Jacob! Nagini! I got the job!" Tina exclaimed when they got back. 

"Great! Nagini and I knew you would get the job. You're going to be the best auror on the team," Jacob said. 

"Why don't we celebrate a little tonight?" Nagini asked.

"Oh come on, it's nothing," Tina said.

"Well, at least come and try the apple paczkis. They're really good!" Nagini smiled. She had a massive sweet tooth. 

"Alright, alright." Tina followed Nagini to the kitchen. In the hall, Newt was thinking. She did smashing in that interview. She is talented as well as beautiful. Of course, she would never want me. She has someone else.


Hi! This is by far my longest chapter. Hope you enjoy! I also wanted to say thank you to the people who are reading this. When I started, I didn't think anyone would read it.  Even though about 70 people is nothing compared to the thousands of people that read other fanfics, I'm still really grateful that you guys like it!

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