Part 7

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It was Monday. Gloomily, Tina woke up. It had been two weeks since the book signing and the only thing she looked forward to was the weekend. She was the best of her team, so she always had to help the worst of her team. This was not the kind of work she wanted, but for the time being, it was the only work she could get. She was going to ask Theseus for a reassignment. As soon as she could. 

"Bye Tina!" Jacob called from the kitchen. She grumbled something unintelligible under her breath. Right before she opened the door, Newt came rushing towards her. 

"You forgot your ID. Might want that to get into the Ministry." Newt handed Tina her ID, which she had left down by the baby occamys when she and Nagini were feeding them. 

"Thank you." A delicate smile graced her lips. Of course, Newt is the only one who can make me smile, she thought.

"Good luck." Newt waved to her, then she apparated away.

She walked into the atrium with a determined glint in her eyes. She didn't care about the stares she got anymore. They didn't matter. Suddenly, someone walked in front of her and knocked into her.

"Mercy Lewis, watch where you're going!" She exclaimed. In the slight commotion, she had knocked their hat off. Now that she had gotten to study their face, she recognized them immediately. The charcoal black hair. The dark bronze skin. And the eyes. The ones that first entranced her. They were pools of inky blackness, that she could get lost in for hours. Achilles.

"Mr Tolliver, why are you here?" Her voice stung with a hint of annoyance.

"Madam President Piquery sent me over. Why are you here?" His voice was smooth but had a sharp edge if you listened closely enough.

"The assignment I was recently on got cancelled off after Grindelwald's attack on Paris. This was the only assignment from MACUSA one I could get if I stayed in Britan. I'm assuming you were the shady person I saw every day? The person that looked at me and turned away when I looked? I'm an auror, Mr Tolliver. It's my job to notice things." She said, this time with annoyance, clear as day. Truth be told, she was overreacting.

"It's Achilles, Tina. I'm sorry if I was being strange. I just couldn't believe a woman of your talent was on a spellwork assignment like this." He said. Tina wasn't having any of it. Mercy Lewis, it was Monday!

"Well, for your information, I'm requesting reassignment today. I really can't bear Isa and the work we are doing." She said. 

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Achilles asked, sweetly.

"Well, we're going to the same place anyway, so I suppose so." Tina gave in. Achilles was her boyfriend. She doubted he meant harm.  They walked up to Theseus.

"Mr Tolliver, Ms Goldstein, good morning." He greeted them.

"Mr Scamander, I'm requesting reassignment. I don't feel this is right for me." Tina stared Theseus right in the eye. Theseus gestured to Achilles to go to the office. 

"To be honest, Tina, I don't like this either. I don't like supervising this. I'm asking the Minister if I can have a team for tracking, instead of spellwork. You're the most competent auror in this group. Maybe more competent than me. I see you're cooped up. You can come with me to the Minister now, work doesn't start for another half hour." He grinned.

"Yes! Thank you!" She grinned back. They walked to the lift. As they got in the lift, Theseus asked,

"How exactly do you know Mr Tolliver? I thought you and Newt-" Theseus got cut off.

"Newt and I are friends. Achilles is my boyfriend, I started dating him after the magazine article said Newt was engaged to Leta." Tina explained. She looked up. At the mention of Leta, Theseus's face transformed from cool and collected to him trying not to look grief-stricken.

"Um, at a different note, Newt and I are coming to your Christmas party." She said. Theseus sighed.

"I wanted to call it off. But Mum insisted. Thank god you and Newt are coming. At least there will be some people I do know." Theseus tried to smile. "Are you two coming as dates?" He asked, mischievously. 

"Why, in the name of Deliverance Dane, does everyone ask this?" Tina groaned. "We're coming as friends." 

"Oh, alright, it's totally not like I saw you staring into each other's eyes after Grindelwald's attack." He grinned.

"Oh come on. We have to get off this elevator now. And we won't continue this conversation later." She finished her sentence with a curt nod. They headed to the Minister's office. Theseus knocked on the door with three quick taps. 

"Who is it?" The Minister called from inside his office.

"It's Theseus Scamander and Porpentina Goldstein, Minister," Theseus replied.

"Alright, come in." The Minister said. Theseus opened the door with a flick of his wand. They sat at the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Minister, I'm requesting a tracking team, instead of a spellwork team. I would also like Ms Goldstein here to supervise with me. Is that alright?" Theseus asked. Tina looked at him. She mouthed what?  

"That's perfectly fine. I can get Howard to lead the spellwork team. He's always been talented in that particular field. I have some aurors that need new assignments, this will be good. I'll have it done by tomorrow. I have one request, though. Get one other person from your current team and take that Evans girl with you too. Then you have my word." The Minister said.

They walked back to the lift, grinning.

"Do we really have to take Isa Evans?" Tina asked.

"And Mr Tolliver too, I suppose. It's alright." Theseus replied.

"As long as we're out on the field it's fine." Tina decided.

That day went relatively well. Isa was intolerable, but it was nice to have Achilles by her side. They worked well as a team, but somehow it didn't feel as right as it had before. Before they left for wherever they were staying, Achilles pulled Tina into a shadowed corner. The last thoughts she had were what's happening?  before he pulled her into a kiss.

"I didn't know where you were. I asked Madam President Piquery and she sent me over here straight away." He whispered. She pressed into him, deepening the kiss. But then she pulled away. 

"Achilles, we can't kiss like this in public!" She whisper-yelled at him.

"Why not?" Achilles replied, with a grin. Tina didn't grin back.

"We can kiss somewhere else, just not at the Ministry," Tina said.

"Where else?" Achilles asked.

"I don't know! I have to get back to Newt's house. It's almost dinner time." She answered, then apparated away.


Hi! It's been a while, hasn't it! I'm sorry, it's just that I have a bunch of stuff to do and I don't have much time to write. I'm sure you've already heard this because the fandom is sort of freaking out right now, but FB 3 is coming out November 2021! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm incredibly upset, as you can probably tell. But as long as I have fanfics I might be able to survive the long 2 years 7 months. I will post less frequently, sorry, but I have to put my boatload of work first. Thanks for all of the kind comments and the fanfics that make me feel happy. Over 200 readers! Wow! And I have to go. Bye!!!

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