Chapter 31

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Sam walked into the dining room where the witches were eating their lunch. He was confused. He had no idea where he was or what had happened in the last few hours. It was like he had been sleepwalking and finally woke up. His head was pounding.

“Sam, where have you been?” Felicity asked, worried. “And where’s Miles? Neither of you showed up for breakfast.”

“I… I have no idea,” he replied.

“What do you mean you have no idea?”

The other witches were listening, too, confused. Only Reagan was still eating her lunch.

“It’s all a blur,” Sam continued. “It’s like a few hours of my life are missing. I have no idea where I was, or what happened.”

“Have you seen Miles?” Felicity rose from her seat and walked up to the young man.

“I don’t know,” Sam replied.

Felicity stepped right up to Sam and grabbed his face. Sam froze in place under the woman’s touch, unsure of what she was doing.

“Your eyes are still a little dull,” Felicity gave her diagnosis, increasingly concerned.

“You think this is Mallory’s doing?” Marina asked, rising from her seat, too.

“I thought she had waned too much to use her powers?” Carrie Anne added.

“Obviously she still had a bit of strength left,” Felicity let out, as she headed out of the dining room. Marina and Sam followed.

“Wait, what are you saying?” Sam asked.

“Mallory was probably controlling you,” Marina answered.


Felicity headed to the basement, followed by Marina and Sam. She walked to Mallory’s door and unlocked it with the key, and barged in.

“What did you do?” Felicity asked, trying not to lose her cool.

“Is it time for lunch?” Mallory replied, feigning ignorance. But the dribble of dried blood on her face was obvious. “I’ve been waiting.”

“Don’t play with me,” Felicity spat. “What did you do to your son?”

“Me? I did nothing,” Mallory responded, placing her hand on her heart as if Felicity was hurting her feelings. “You should ask this young man.” She pointed to Sam.

Sam gasped quietly. What had he done to his friend?

“He was only following your orders,” the headmistress continued. “What were those?”

“I told him to take Miles away,” Mallory responded. “What he did and where he took him, I have no idea.” She raised her shoulders and an inflection in her voice.

“The council will hear about this,” Felicity growled. “You won’t be down here for much longer.”

“Wonderful,” Mallory let out sarcastically.

Felicity exited Mallory’s room and locked it again, and walked back upstairs with a decisive step. Sam and Marina followed, dejected, especially Sam.

He turned to the young witch. “What did I do?” He said, holding back his emotions.

“Sam, it’s not your fault,” Marina explained, “you were being controlled.”

“What if I hurt Miles?” Sam posited. “What if he’s gone?”

“Stop it, Sam,” Felicity ordered. “Now’s not the time for speculation. Marina, call Ray. We’ll need his insights.”

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